[h3][color=magenta][center][i]Cass Mormont[/i][/center][/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/g36WpRZ.png[/img][/center] [color=magenta]"Charming? Oh I never would have dreamed you thought of me as such. Truly my efforts to please the fairer sex have been ceaseless, but I hadn't dreamed my efforts would ever bear such fruit!"[/color] Cass turned his gaze downwards as a cheery blush settled on his cheeks. [color=magenta]"Though my own appeal will forever be overshadowed by your own grace and beauty. Even with your chosen profession being rather disreputable, it fails to mar the radiance of your soul that shines before me like a guiding star in the night. I am drawn to you as though a sailor in the night who has caught sight of the land upon the horizon, and with it comes everlasting salvation! For but a moment of your- Grrk!"[/color] A sudden tightness around the Bombardier's throat left him sputtering and gagging. His hands, having been freed of their charge while he was caught in the moment, wrapped around a familiar earthen serpent that had grown angry with his continued stupidity. [color=lime]"Shut your mouth for a gods be damned second! Damn it, how can I be bound to such a idiot? Can you think with anything besides your lower head and notice she's already left?!"[/color] Jormungand jerked Cass' head upwards to show him that Sienna and her Spirit had already left, not that he actually noticed the latter. He blinked in surprise noticing the sudden influx of hurried passerby's whose myriad cries of distress mingled into an incoherent mess. He quickly rose to his feet and looked about before catching a brief glimpse of a familiar red hood. Course set he ran after the departing rogue in spite of the incessant attempts by his spirit to strangle him. [color=magenta]"Thank you my spirit friend. I shall not allow her to escape once more!"[/color]