[quote=@darkandstar] [@Hael] Totally going to doubt your leader somehow, at sometime. [/quote] THEY ARE THE GREATEST LEADER POSSIBLE WITH TODAY'S TECHNOLOGY [quote=@TheSovereignGrave] You could call him 'the Quintessence' or something. [/quote] Ehhh... I like the meaning, but I don't like the sound of it. [quote=@Shorticus] It doesn't have to be super creative to be a good title, though. I like it. The words that immediately come to my mind... Manifest Pure/Purity Will Master Turning these into a word or phrase that conveys the idea you had might be a start. I like Conjoiner myself. EDIT: Actually, Quintessence is REALLY GOOD, Grave. [/quote] Those are pretty interesting, thanks. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] The word "Primarch" comes to mind :lol You could also mess with the spelling of words like Divinitus from Divine Sounds like the word "Gospel" or "Prophet" or "Messiah" rings to me even tho they aren't religious. [/quote] The Xim are agnostics, but they have a spiritual theme to them at times. Some even meditate. [quote=@Isotope] [@Shorticus] Their version of antipersonnel weapons are massive (yet-unnamed) bombs used to scorch significant percentages of a planet. War with or among my Collective is something quite unlike what you would expect from literally every other species, at the least the X'cor have use for slaves. The mats do not. [/quote] So... just complete genocide? Holy shit. I'm with Shorticus on this one, [i]kill it with fire[/i] [quote=@Monarch] Hello there good people of this most interesting roleplay. I'd like to express my explicit interest, and also my desire to grab that [s]delicious[/s] co-GM spot. [/quote] Sorry, but I'd prefer just one co-GM. I probably need to update that OP :lol But welcome aboard! [quote=@boomlover] so we using chatzy or what? [/quote] As I've said, we aren't. [quote=@Monarch] I do hope there's the possibility for them. [/quote] You can use a chatroom if you want, but I'm not setting up an official chatroom for the RP, because I feel it is unnecessary and disorganized. If you want to use one its fine, but I'm never once going to be on it, nor will I ever encourage anyone to use it :lol [hr] I've decided to name the Xim leader "Incarnate"