[center][h1] Avatar: Fight for Hope[/h1][/center] As of late, the world has been thrown into chaos at the arrival of an extremist group. This deadly group of people travel around the world behind the scenes, going to every nation and capturing their leaders. As much as their reasons behind the things they do, this group is a mysterious organization bent on throwing the world out of balance. Nations across the world try to ignore the impending threat of loosing their world leader, the only measure they take on preventing such a thing is hiding their leaders in a disclosed location. But what else can they do? How can you fight an enemy you can't see? When will the terror that emanates from such a terrifying organization cease? The late Avatar Korra had once tried to put an end to their reign, but her efforts were in vain. She passed away during an attack on the extremists, only for them to spring up again months later. with the Avatar gone the world is defenseless against such a group, and the only people who can stop them is the people. The armies of the nations wont make a move unless they have complete certainty that their efforts will pay off. So here we are, in a world of terror and fear. A world alone without the avatar to bring balance, a world in which the people must rise up and become part of something bigger than themselves. Something that will restore the world to it's former state of peace. The people of the world must come together and act as a countermeasure for these extremists. Banded together on this day start a journey that may save this world. Today is the start of a group of people that have decided to take matters into their own hands. This group of people will travel the world in search of others who share their dream of peace, in search of others who are willing to put their life on the line in order to take down the Extremists. So far, there hasn't been much progress, but in time that will change. [center] ~ ~ ~ ~[/center] [color=6ecff6]-Suoh-[/color] [color=00aeef]-Republic City-[/color] Beams of light shine through the window of a small apartment in the downtown area of republic city. In this apartment there lies a bundle of blankets that shield a young man from the morning light. The light reflecting off every shiny surface the room holds, making the room brighter and harder for the young man to continue to sleep. From underneath the bundle of blankets a shell of a person rises to a sitting position, the light of the morning exposing every inch of the mans tired face. The young man's name is Suoh, a water bender who is temporarily renting an apartment in republic city. Suoh wasn't that fond of the apartment, in fact, he wasn't that fond of settling down anywhere, but in times like these people need to make sacrifices, regardless of their feeling towards them. Such a sacrifice was made when Suoh and his parents got word of the Extremists resurfacing from their 6 month absence. Suoh stood up, his bones aching with every movement, and walked over to the small window that let in all the light. He stood their starring out the window as he reminisced 6 months ago, trying to remember what he was doing and where he was when he found out about Avatar Korra's death. His memory didn't serve him that well in the morning, ultimately giving up on trying to remember. Suoh let out a deep sigh when he looked out the window, he knew he'd eventually have to get on with the day. He couldn't just sit at home the entire time, he needed to do something. [color=6ecff6]"Maybe I'll train today... My water bending skills have been slacking lately..." [/color] Suoh said to himself. He started to move around the apartment, putting on his clothes for the day, eating a small breakfast he whipped up, and eventually making his way outside onto the streets. Republic city was bustling today, for reasons that escaped Suoh. He looked at the heavy foot traffic that was going on, he figured it was just going to be one of those days. Republic city has always been one of Suoh's least favorite areas, there was just too many people here. With the looming threat of the Extremists, not only were the people here always on the go, but there was this eerie feeling that was shadowing the city. Suoh let out another deep sigh and started on with his day. He decided he would train today, but he would need to fully wake up first. To do that, however, he needs to eat. He had already had something to eat but it just wasn't satisfying, he needed a real meal, a meal you could only get at a restaurant.