[HIDER=Out of Continuity][CENTER][hr][hr][h3]| | [color=slategray]~ Ɲ ǀ Ɠ H Ƭ S O Ɲ Ɠ ~[/color] | |[/h3][hr][hr][SUP][COLOR=SILVER][I]"Can you feel the darkness, is all around. Shadows burns at your mind, fire in the sky. Can you hear the night?"[/I][/COLOR][/SUP][/CENTER] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]ᒪ ᗩ ᖇ I ᔕ ᔕ ᗩ | T ᕼ ᕮ ᔕ O ᑌ ᑎ ᗪ[/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][I][B][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 2016 - One Night After The Explosion[/COLOR][/sup][/B][/I] The candle light flickered in the darkness of the apartment. The power outages across the city had rendered the entire district in the dark, not even the street lamps outside where lit. The silence from the street below was deafening, barely a car had drove by since the explosion had rocked the city yesterday. A tense still hung over the apartment as the set of eyes stared intently at the woman across from him. [B]"I hate to do this, but I'm afraid I have no choice."[/B] The voice began as he reached forward. [COLOR=9966CC][B]"No, you don't have to do that, c'mon I'm begging you here."[/B][/COLOR] The female replied, her voice quivering slightly as the male made his move. [b]"Sorry..."[/b] The voice said with a chuckle as the cards were laid on the table. [b]"Pick up eight El."[/b] [COLOR=9966CC][b]"C'mon Harley! Why do you do this to me?"[/b][/color] Ellara asked with a mock groan as she reached towards the center of the table. Picking up the required cards from the pile at the center of the table, Ellara nodded to Alexis. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Your son is evil."[/b][/color] [b]"He gets it from you, I'm a freakin' angel."[/b] Replied Alexis as she placed her cards, eliciting a groan from Harley as the colour of the deck changed. [b]"C'mon, what was so bad about red?"[/b] He bemoaned. [b]"I don't have any."[/b] Smiling, Alexis watched as Ellara reached into her deck and placed a few cards on the table. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"I hope the power comes back on soon. I don't think the food in the fridge will keep much longer."[/b][/color] She commented looking towards the dark kitchen. [b]"I think the super said he was going to get a generator running in the basement."[/b] Added Alexis as she followed Ellara's gaze to the kitchen. [b]"Don't think I can handle eating anymore mock chicken, it's supposed to last a week, not go in two days."[/b] [b]"And it's suppose to be for my lunches!"[/b] Harley piped up. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"That it is buddy."[/b][/color] Ellara said with a smile as she knocked on the table while holding up a single card. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Uno."[/b][/color] [b]"You bitch!"[/b] Alexis exclaimed with a light punch to Ellara's arm. [b]"Mommy said a bad word!"[/b] Harley yelled pointing at Alexis as she gasped upon realizing what had come out of her mouth. [b]"You hear nothing child. Now stop her!"[/b] Alexis said as placed a card on the pile. [b]"I don't have anything![/b]" Cried Harley as he threw a random card on the deck. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Thank you Harley."[/b][/color] Ellara said smugly as she placed her final card on the pile. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"And I believe that's a win for me."[/b][/color] [b]"You bitch!"[/b] Harley said, parroting his mother from moments ago. [b]"HARLEY!"[/b] Scolded Alexis. [b]"What?"[/b] He asked innocently, [b]"How come you can say it and I can't?"[/b] [b]"I... will have to get back to you on that one."[/b] Alexis said with a slight pause. [b]"But what I do know is that it's time for you to get to bed. We may not have power but you have school tomorrow."[/b] [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Night Harley!"[/b][/color] Called Ellara as she leaned back in her chair. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Hey Lex, I'm going to go out. See if I can't find a burger joint open. You want me to bring you back anything?"[/b][/COLOR] [b]"Maybe just some fries?"[/b] Alexis called back. [COLOR=9966CC][b]"Can do."[/b][/color] Replied Ellara as she grabbed her leather jacket and headed out the door. Locking the door behind her, Ellara took a few steps before pausing and turning back to the apartment. Testing the door knob, she put her shoulder into the door, ensuring it didn't budge. Satisfied, Ellara made a move to walk away before checking the door one last time and heading towards the stairs. Although numerous cars were damaged in the explosion, it was primarily the state of emergency keeping people off the road. That part didn't bother Ellara too much especially since over the past year she'd been putting her fists into the face of Larissa's scum. Things were changing in both Larissa and Ellara. She wasn't nearly as timid as she had been before meeting Alexis. Perhaps all she needed ten years ago was a friend. But Ellara was moving in the opposite direction of Larissa, the city herself was going down. Crime had been on a steady rise and no doubt the explosion had prompted several sprees across the Greater Larissa Area. Ellara had even heard rumors of a re-emergence of the Harbour Kings' gang. Jumping over the door of her GTO, Ellara pushed the key into the ignition and turned as the engine roared to life. Without most of the modern electronics, the old Pontiac was unaffected by the explosion that had rocked the city. Putting the car into gear, Ellara drove out of the garage and into the night.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider]