[@Dead Cruiser] I've got some questions. 'Devil, but no god', but what about leaders coming to take the place of the gods? Something powerful enough and perceived as wise enough to serve as a viable, and perhaps even desirable replacement? Another question related to this is: Dragons-- are they around, and if they are can I take any creative liberties on them since they weren't mentioned? I've always liked the idea of dragons being guardians of the old world. Sort of a failsafe to keep absurdly powerful evils from undermining the early efforts of man, and their existence has since become vestigial and their true nature and purpose has been lost to obscurity over the many, many years. Also, dwarves. Do [i]they[/i] exist? Because if they do, I have an idea for a splinter faction that breaks away from the Iron Kingdoms and settles somewhere around the borderlands of Borea and Lemuria, probably burying themselves in the mountains in some attempted escape from whatever curse fell upon Borea. Although, I don't really have a solid timeline. I'll need clarification from you on that. Once I get answers for these then I can drop down the idea I had for a character.