[center][color=khaki][h2]Carmen Brass[/h2][/color][/center] [color=lightblue]"So you must be sir bitchtits that needed saving in here, eh? Stay behind me. I'll handle this asshole."[/color] Bitch... tits? Why was he a dog's nipple? And, more importantly, just who were these people? Things happened almost too fast for Carmen to keep up with. The woman (at least, he assumed it was a woman. It was hard to tell.) he'd bumped into took down the strange being that had been chasing him with only a few swift jabs and a resounding headbutt. Someone slid in behind him to watch his back, arms raised and ready to block the clawing horde. Someone wielding a spear came in from the right, and-- How the hell did they manage to get a horse in here, much less a chariot? The terrain was much to cluttered and cramped for such a thing... And yet, despite everything Carmen knew about the laws of reality, the chariot [I]flew[/I]. It dashed through the air, filling the walls with a gust of wind, and from the ride came a bolt of electricity strong enough to liquefy one of the shambling humanoids. [color=8dc73f]“”[/color] Carmen blinked stupidly, completely dazed and overwhelmed. What appeared to be a troupe of casually dressed ninjas had just burst into this overgrown nightmare hospital and started killing zombies fused to IV stands, and were currently summoning astral figures to call down localized bolts of lightning. As broken as the English was, Carmen was more than a little inclined to believe the ninja in the salmon shirt. Especially once a being a being that seemed to be wearing the stars as a headdress appeared to blast one of the closer shamblers back. [color=khaki]"I... Are you ninjas?"[/color] was the only reply that came to mind, Carmen's expression having gone from panicked to his normal dreamy and far-away look. __________ [color=green]"Y̕͝o̸͟͠u̵̢.͢.̴ ͡r҉̶eal͜l͜y ̨a͏͜͠re.̸̨.́.̷̕ ̴i̡̧d͜i̢ot̷̢́ş͜.̷͠...̵̕"[/color] The husk that Taro had just knocked onto the floor started to twitch and convulse, letting out another raspy moan. It was short lived, however, as thick, dark vines started to spill from its open mouth, coiling tight enough around its neck for the snapping of bones to be heard. Where Taro had struck it on the head was a large indent, which began to crack apart, more vines spilling forth. The surge of plant life pressed against the hole, and with another sickening 'crack!', the husk's head was torn asunder, black goop slung across the walls. Even withouts a head, the husk started to rise, bent forward at an odd angle before snapping suddenly upright. The grotesque flower attached to it at the neck, face twisted and demonic, began to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IJMEd8mAIo&ab_channel=strongsadsleftfoot]laugh[/url]. At least half of the shambling creatures started to shake and convulse, vines erupting from their bodies. Some had arms torn off, others had their chests pushed out from within, and others still had flowers erupt from their stomach, or much smaller buds erupt all across their bodies. Each flower began to laugh along with the first, the black goo spraying onto hte walls, the clutter, the much thicker vines along the floor... The thicker vines started to move. They began to rise and slither, lifting wheelchairs and hospital beds, crawling along the ceiling, blocking doorways-- including the one that everyone had just come through. The vines coiled and weaved, forming a thick, nighimpentrable wall of much thicker tendrils. [color=green]"Y͠o̵u̷͟ ̧c͞àn'͠t͡ ҉͞he͏l̵p̸ ̶͘h͘͞͠ím͠͠."[/color] [color=green]"W̢͟͏ę҉'͞r̷̀͡e͝ ͏a̡͡͡ĺ͟l̸ ̧͘g̸҉͡o҉ì̛͟ńg̕ to͟͠ d̴͢͏i̵̕e̡̨͟.̧͢.̷̛͜.͏̕͘̕"[/color] [color=green]"Y͘͟͏o̶̕҉ù̶̷ ̨̕͠ḩ̕a̡͘v̸̧̢e͠ ̶͢ń̸̸o ơn̵͞ę̵ ҉n̷̢o̢w."[/color] Carmen was starting to lose it again. Among the laughing, some of the flowers were shouting. Things that had ran through his mind again and again and again while he'd been blindly wandering the halls of this accursed place. Things he knew to be true. Carmen started to shrink, falling to the ground and curling into a ball, trying to cover his ears. He-- He screamed, one of the vines wrapping around his ankle. It moved with surprising speed, yanking him through the crowd of husks before anyone could even react. There was a clang of off-notes as Carmen's guitar hit the ground, thankfully still in tact, but for the first time in nearly ten years completely out of his reach. Carmen screamed, louder, as he was dragged into the darkness, deeper into the hospital. His music couldn't help him now.