If nothing else, Reiji found that he had to respect the pair of stones the white haired fool in front of him had. The guy had watched everything that went into his train-wreck-inducing drink and only batted an eyelash when the Tabasco sauce got thrown in. Picking up the stack of bills that were handed to him with one hand, Reiji gave the poor sod a farewell salute and said, [color=red]”That’s most likely for the best chief. I’ll hopefully see ya on the other side.”[/color] A quick glance at the wad in his hand gave him the impression that the whitey should be fine, but still Reiji found himself wondering if the guy would survive the monstrosity in case he was mistaken. The first few moments of the horrible scene before him started out fine, but it was ridiculously easy to tell when whitey got his first taste of Tabasco. Reiji could only smile guiltily and watch, expecting at any time for his victim to give up chugging and retch terribly. Except whitey wouldn’t settle for defeat. Reiji’s smirk was replaced with a small frown, as his expression shifted to one of dismay as the little guy grew closer to downing his El Bastardo in one go. [color=red]”Now that just ain’t right…”[/color] he said to himself as whitey set his empty glass down on the counter. Of the few times he had seen a person dumb enough to actually order that drink, the guy in front of him had handled it the best. It was almost as if the crazy guy had enjoye- [i][color=red]’Oh.’[/color][/i] The amount of joy radiating out of whitey was borderline unnerving. And his garbled, euphoric ramblings was enough to make Reiji chuckle lightheartedly. [i][color=red]’Man, this city is made up of all kinds of folks,’[/color][/i] he noted, momentarily leaving his victim to his fate so that he could attempt to purge the glass of any foul remnants of the drink that had persisted. When he returned not even a few minutes later, whitey was a glassy eyed, wobbling mess in a bar stool. For some reason, his expression looked a bit sadder than when he had left him, which Reiji guessed had to do with the little masochist’s pain subsiding. But when he started to fail miserably at speaking, the punk began to realize that whitey wasn’t doing so hot. [color=red]”Hey,”[/color] he said to the obliterated guy, waving his hand in front of his face to try and get his attention, [color=red]”Look at me, are you alright?”[/color] His words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the newest resident of Drunksville continued to confuse garbled noises for words. Reiji tried to grab him by the shoulder when he noticed him start to fall, but it was already too late for that. He could only watch the poor guy get all too familiar with the peanut-shell-coated floor far too quickly. A small sigh of exasperation escaped him as he pinched the bridge of his nose. [color=red]”I warned him this would happen,”[/color] he muttered, not all that concerned about his little dip. After all, he had seen plenty of people in much worse shapes survive quite a deal worse. Thankfully, somebody else at least had the decency to make sure he was still breathing. Reiji turned his attention to the guy, who had black hair and was wearing glasses, and watched as he tried to get whitey’s attention. When said four-eyes leveled a question at him, Reiji merely shrugged. [color=red]”Just one of the foulest drinks I’ve ever had the displeasure of making, with enough alcohol in it to get half of this bar tipsy.”[/color] he replied simply. While it was tempting to leave whitey sprawled on the floor, Reiji imagined it would be a real problem for the bar if there was a fatality on its opening night. With a small shake of his red head, he made his way from behind the bar to the still unresponsive form of the brave white haired schmuck. [color=red]”Here, let’s at least make sure this chump doesn’t choke on his own vomit,”[/color] he told the four-eyes as he squatted next to the guy on the floor. Reiji had been there once and it was not an experience he ever wished upon any one else. [@Evil Snowman] [@BeastofDestiny]