Sanguine sighed, deciding to just let Oliver do his thing. She herself wasn't too bothered about saving as many lives as possible for the sake of saving lives. Her reasons involved wanting a good image among the ordinary people. People having a good image of you always worked out better than them thinking you were bad in some way. The woman turned to the two children, whom at that moment remembered that they could still run. The older one got up, trying to pull the younger one with her. However the vampiress wouldn't allow that. She lifted her hand, a blueish-white glow starting to emanate from it. Instantly several very large icicles appeared just above the ground in front of the two girls, whom then flew towards it and dug deep into the soil to create a makeshift barrier. "There's no need to run. I merely want to know what's going on in your village." The woman spoke. "I-I don't k-know. S-s-soldiers suddenly j-just...please at least let my sister go!" The older one spoke. They both looked terrified of the woman clad in black. Though considering the circumstances that wasn't too much of a surprise. First soldier attacked, and now a strange woman able to use magic suddenly appeared before them as well. Sanguine kept a slightly uninterested stare in her eyes, though. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't waste my time." The woman spoke, holding out both hands this time. After a second or so a magical shield formed around the two girls. "This will protect you. It stops anything but magic coming from the outside. You can step outside of it if you want though. It'll last for 10 minutes. Come back to the village at that time." Both girls looked confused, and a bit scared of the glowing shell that had formed around them. But they seemed to understand enough at least. "W-what are y-you g-going to do...?" The oldest asked. "Save the village of course. My companion has gone ahead to do just that." Sanguine replied. Now it was time to test her most important magic. Creating undead. "Rise my minion." She spoke, holding out her hand to the corpse that Oliver had left behind. What happened next looked a bit disgusting, as purple and black slime started to cover the soldier's body completely. A few seconds later, and there stood a skeletal dead knight. Not her most powerful undead spell, but plenty for the situation they were in at the moment. "You're free to go if you want, but I would take my advice." The woman finally suggested before turning towards the village. "Dread knight, follow me." She commanded, the undead turning to follow after it's creator. By the time Sanguine finally arrived at the village, the main square already had several dozen dead soldiers on the ground. No doubt Oliver's work. Even so, there were still another dozen or two running about. Or, most likely, running away at this point. If Oliver had indeed killed that many of them already it stood to reason the alive ones had become scared. Her suspicions were confirmed when two soldiers came running in her direction. "Run! That guy's a monster!" One yelled to any of his allies that might be able to hear. At which Sanguine grinned amusedly. "There's a monster over here as well." She called out to them, stretching her index finger out to one of the two. "Time to die~" A bolt of greenish energy shot out from her fingertip, hitting one of them right in the chest. Immediately the man started to slow down, quickly followed by collapsing on the ground, his skin having turned pale in a matter of seconds as the vampiress had used her life drain spell on him. The other one had turned to the right to try and escape between two houses though. So it was time for her new minion to do some work. "Dead knight, kill that man." It was only after both the soldier and the undead had disappeared from view behind a building that she could hear a loud scream. And a bit later the dread knight returned, his sword now bloody. [i]"This is going quite easy..."[/i] She thought, wondering if these soldiers were really a good indication of this world's average dangers. Probably not...