[quote=@Antarctic Termite] >look out spacewindow to check how far off Pluto is, and/or identify any nearby aliens [/quote] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/46O0SNK.png[/img] You get on MIKE's shoulders and press your clowny face up against the glass and peer out into the DIZZYING VOID that is SPACE. It gives you an UNFLATTERING DOUBLE CHIN. All you see are STARS and other CELESTIAL BODIES such as METEORS, GARBAGE, and probably SATURN. Or whichever one was small and white. Maybe not SATURN. You continue to scan the spacescape, to no avail. You see a CONSTELLATION that reminds you of OJO. It makes you miss Earth.[/center] [hr] [quote=@Zorogami] >Come up with an improv skit to cheer up the couple [/quote] [quote=@Vilageidiotx] >use that fucking eggplant to make some fucking ratatouille. [/quote] [quote=@Shorticus] >win woman's love by trading eggplant for smoochies???? [/quote] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/OthqI0M.png[/img] Well, enough of those sentimental-woman feelings. You've got a FAT FUCKING CLOWN to save. You have three ideas and try to pull a TRIPLE-BANGER SWITCHEROO and accomplish all three at once by making FLIRTATIOUS JOKES while vigorously TENDERIZING THE EGGPLANT with pelvic thrusts. Meanwhile, MIKE accompanies with a WELL-TIMED JOKE or something. You're not really sure. They look unamused. Your TRIPLE-BANGER SWITCHEROO seems to be unsuccessful. What do you do?[/center]