"Wilco." Travis gestured a mock salute of his right hands' index and middle fingers once Felix had given their team their objective and destination. Once the Arch-Magi retired to his study, Travis gulped the last of his coffee and now fueled by caffeine and sharing the same responsible thoughts like everyone else, dispersed from the dinning table in order to prepare themselves for their first mission. After rummaging through his near-disorganized belongings, the Untalent had exited the mansion and joined up with the others outside, currently queue while waiting for the last few of their members to arrive. Travis didn't appear to of brought much along with him but what was evident were the two belts wrapper around his body and lower belts with several articles of tomes and and study material he believed to serve a suitable purpose holstered in their respective pouches. Not surprisingly, Nemo and Raiya were outside first with Jessie and Artos coming up from the rear. Jessie, like Travis as was it seemed, displayed the same preparedness with tomes enclosed and attached to her belts where as Artos appeared to be less primed amongst the rest of the team but given the fact he was not the scholarly type, there was perhaps little he needed to bring with him and considering his mastery of his own cold arte, it potentially made sense why he seemed less prepared. Though what was perhaps intriguing was the atmosphere around seemed much colder than Travis remembered and was almost as if the aura around Artos has doubled its radius. Was it because of a shift in mood or was is a mere necessity in order to address the even warmer climate. Normally, Travis would interject towards Artos on her current state but a closer inspection noted that he was currently establishing his well-being with the outside. Knowing how drained Artos first appeared in the mansion, Travis concluded that the outside must be even more punishing. While amusing as a first thought, for Artos' sake, Travis hoped they would not have to visit a desert of any sort. As he stood in wait for the rest of the team, Travis continued to capitalize on his notes from last night, formulating the possibilities of his own printed suggestions.