I was playing basketball (I'm really not a good player) with two other guys. Thankfully, they were even worse players, because the losers had to die. Apparently when that happened, I was suddenly in trouble, and I started running. Turns out I was running through this high school. It wasn't my high school, or any I had been to before, just a generic high school. Some middle-aged woman, I figure she was a principal or hall monitor, started chasing me. I got to an exit, but the end of the hallway was flooded. Or maybe it was somehow a pool with water coming up to the doors, but I'm going to go with flooded. I swam to the doors and tried to open them, but they opened inward (against the pressure). The principal woman was still behind me, and she grabbed me, so I tried to push her under. She was stronger than me, and dragged me under as well. So I karate chopped the base of her head and she was knocked out. Don't ask me if that works in real life, it was a dream! Once I got out the doors, I realized I was somewhere in the South. I left the school grounds and started walking up this small peninsula, on either side of which was shallow water. I saw a crocodile go by, but it ignored me. Then I took out a smartphone, went on Craigslist or something similar, and hired a waterplane to pick me up. I think at that point my dream switched to something else. But, yeah, that's about all I remember from my dream last night.