[@Everett] [i]Perhaps raw force couldn't tear open the powered up rubber cocoon. But Gonad's force was far from raw. It was undiluted, yes, but also concentrated and imbued with the potential to scale with any challenge. Gonad wasn't just strong. He was [color=ed1c24][b]STRONG[/b][/color]. Strength was who he was, and it was his only true power. As Sky tried to contain Gonad, it could very well feel as if he were in front of a locomotive that was about to leave the station. A massive choo-choo that was slowly but steadily picking up speed, quickly gaining more inertia and mass. The barbarian was an absolute engine of muscle and will, to whom the notion of not meeting a challenge was as far and as alien as planet Yuggoth. If Sky's energy was overwhelmed, then the rubber around Gonad's body would stretch taut as he flexed, the colors fading into a translucent white like when a pretty balloon is forced to the breaking point and the paint is spread too thin to see. For just a moment he would resemble a man made of taffy. It was true that there did exist things that strength alone could simply not overcome. Gonad, however, was not something that had been taken into account when the abstract concept of the "immovable wall" had been created. The spiritual translation of the kinetic energy of their brief exchange infused with elasticity and sustained by another being? It could work on nearly anyone. Gonad, however... His expression was the same as it had been before, obliviously stoic. It was the look of someone that didn't really know what all was going on, but still wanted to look as if they did. Gonad could pull it off nicely. In his spare time he would sometimes walk up to a group of chatting strangers and just stand there nodding sagely, as if he had an inkling of what they were talking about. Gonad knew that he was in a fight, but he probably had no clue about why a bouncy castle had been involved, or why said bouncy castle had just gotten all clingy. All he knew was that there was an obstacle in his way, and one that he was going to stretch apart and grab and tear in short order. [/i]