A funky pop song broke Tamago from his dreamy paradise and caused an arm to flail out from his tomb of cushions. With a groggy grunt, he successfully swiped across his phone's screen to deliver silence to his cramped dorm room. Tamago groaned and pushed himself into a slouched seated position. He rubbed his face and sorted through the events from last night. He and his other friends had been out at Mount Wildwood and had planned on camping for a few days but that adventure was cut short by some massive red monster with a crazy bat. Tamago shook his head and finally got out of bed, quickly shaking his head to rid himself of the sleepiness trying to keep its pesky hold on the culinary creator. He checked the time and knew since it was 9:35, he had about 30 minutes before he agreed to meet the others over in Uptown at the Community Center where they'd try to make some funds to fuel their spring break. He got changed into jeans, a light green t-shirt and grabbed his bag and headed out of his room. Thankfully his other roommates weren't around to ask why he was back so soon. He really wasn't sure how to explain everything to them and he was glad that for now, he didn't have to think about it. He glance down at his left wrist where his new watch was. It really wasn't a dream after all. Tamago sighed and headed out the door and found where his bike was locked. Soon enough, the green haired boy was breezing up and around the museum and towards Uptown Springdale. His stomach gave a fearsome lurch and he knew he needed to stop by Banter Bakery before continuing towards the Community Center. "I've got time..." He muttered to himself, though he knew if he checked his watch, it wouldn't be able to refute his notion since it didn't tell time, at least not obviously. Natazume Hiroshi meanwhile, was still in bed but she wasn't asleep either. Since she lived so close to the Community Center, she saw no use in scrambling to get there and instead spent most of her morning meditating and doing research online about spirits and myths. Before last night, she hardly gave ghosts much thought but now she was forced to open her eyes a little wider. Natazume's parents had the day to themselves so they decided to take the train to go someplace outside of Springdale. Natazume thus had the house to herself and was happy for the solitude and space. She was dressed in a summery yellow dress which had white polka dots on it. It was one of the more colorful things she owned but after last night's close call with death, she saw no point in making the most of the days she had in front of her. Around 8:50, she finally ventured downstairs and refilled her cup with a fresh splash of green tea before outside to the side garden where she tended to the plants, enjoying the sun's friendly hello. Feeling spiritually satisfied, the woman cleaned up the kitchen and slipped into a pair of black supportive sandals and locked up the house. She glanced down at her right wrist where the watch was tightly fashioned. Though her right hand was in fact dominant, she still preferred wearing most of her jewelry on her right hand, even her watches. She brought up said right hand and flipped her dark hair back over her bare shoulders. She had eaten breakfast already and felt fairly content, considering the events of the evening, only hours ago. Natazume only had six blocks to traverse before she reached the Community Center. She passed Beautiful Blooms and walked upwards until she could cross the street safely. She passed by Everymart and continued until she reached the small building where many events and gatherings were had. Already, Kazumi, Saki and Taka had arrived, making the normally early bird feel somewhat taken aback. Natazume gave the others a small wave and soon it seemed the only straggler to wait for was Tamago. She considered the fact he may have jogged to their meeting place which might account for his delay but it was still rather troublesome. She knew the others might need to talk about the events from last night but she also knew that they would be better off consulting Whisper together. But since someone was already running late, she decided to summon him without Tamago. "Anyway, I think while we wait, we should review the events from last night." She mentioned as she took out the coin and inserted it into the watch. A large puff of purple smoke appeared and when it cleared, their friend was floating, looking intrigued. Glancing around, Natazume noted that any other passersby didn't seem to notice the summoning. That was good. "Good morning everyone! What sort of adventure are we about to get into?" Whisper asked them, wearing a wide grin. The long ling at Banter Bakery hadn't deterred Tamago, who had finally obtained a peach tart. He felt pretty proud of himself but knew he needed to hurry if he wanted to make it back up to the Community Center on time. Tamago quickly ate the tart in three gigantic bites before he hopped back on his teal bike and headed north, weaving around many cars and pedestrians as need be. He was worried his friends were already waiting for him. Or worse, that they hadn't waited, found a cool job and had left without him. He ended up making it to the Community Center just after Whisper had been summoned. While he loved to stay fit, he decided not to stuff his face and then bike like a madman anytime soon. Tamago panted and walked his bike and rested it on the back of the bench, still winded. "Sorry I'm late...had to...go to...Banter...Bakery." "If you were going to be tardy, you could have at least brought us all something nice." Whisper said.