[@BurningCold] The story is still in the introduction stage. We are not going to be wholly reliant on combat just as we are not going to be without combat of any sort. The behemoth was the result of one characters actions that merely accelerated the activation of a planned plot device that served as a means for the characters to demonstrate how they would react to a high pressure situation. or as Windel would put it: [quote=@TheWindel]Well we'll definitely have more interaction scenes in the tournament. This was really just gauging to see how many people actually cared for it since most people just want to jump in and do all the flashy cool stuff to show off their character first. Kind of like an [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Ma...]Establishing Character Moment[/url].[/quote] There will be time for your characters to interact and develop without the threat of imminent doom and rioting civilians, but these scenes are still a necessity and serve a purpose to both the characters and the story.