[h1][center][b][color=black]Rex[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Rex actually growled, he was so angry."Just finish him, Skye," he said. The young woman stood aside for a moment. "Miss, Night Raid isn't what they told us, right? You don't kill people indiscriminately?" "It's Sheele," she introduced herself. "We are killers, but we only kill people who do cruel things. The Imperial Capital is filled with corruption, and it's our job to deal with them." Her eyes went down to Rex's hands. "Could I see those for a moment?" The young man raised one of his hands, but didn't take the glove off. Sheele turned his hand. "These... these are Imperial Arms." She let go. "How did you come by these?" "They were my father's," Rex explained. "Imperial Arms? What're those?" [center]=======[/center] [h1][center][color=red]Akame[/color][/center][/h1] Akame couldn't help but cock an eyebrow. So Leone knew this kid. That was interesting. But the fact that he knew two of the people inside... The young woman was dead, her body torn and mutilated. The young man, however, seemed to be suffering from some kind of severe illness. "It's unfortunate that you know some of these people."