At the sight of their companions collapsing, the remaining archers moved and began to spread out. Their captain still had the commanding presence to keep them from fleeing, but now they hid behind cover to prevent more lighting from streaming directly at them. Aimee had gone full force into helping and destroying. By the time Elann had killed the two, Aimee had successfully downed many more. Elann was no combatant though. Only Yahal was guiding her shots. An arrow soared at them and she was certain it was going to hit one of them, but it seemingly was pushed down by Noah using his orb. She let out a nervous breath and saw her husband struggling, so she took a protective position so that he could hold onto her shoulder if need be for balance and so that she could protect his weakened body with her own. "We are going to get through this," she said to bolster his adrenaline, his pain, and to get him to ignore it. She then felt Yahal's guidance once more, leading toward two other families. The searing light did not shine that time as neither wore armor and with decent accuracy, Elann injured both men, even though they were moving targets. While she did not kill them, her shots falling short, she wounded them enough to give them pause to be killed by those who they were harming. The tides were beginning to turn and word came to her for Noah. "I know it hurts love. Can you harm the leader? If he is killed they will flee, I think." She would have done it herself, but she was too busy like Aimee preserving the lives of those who were in the most danger. Another arrow zipped past them being poorly aimed and Elann felt led to penetrate the tree he hid behind with her ability. The arrow loosed and went through the bark, the middle and penetrated to hit the man square in the chest. After the light died down, she looked to make sure Aimee was alright. Her sister and Noah were first in her protection, and she would shoot anyone who came close to threaten them.