[@BurningCold] Give this man a cookie, maybe spring for a piece of cake. I'm gonna roll with it anyways, but in a world where Song Knights are well known, its kind of hilarious that at any time a common civilian can just question us and everyone replies with weapons and anger. [s]I guess we must be the equivalent of the mafia. We say protect, but imply that we require protection fees.[/s] Mary isn't getting a free pass here, not by a long shot. However, 5 Song Knights responded to the threat in a record time, obliterating the threat. Small girl raises a question, "The Song Knights are scum because they couldn't be omniscience about every life that was in the area during their record 20 second fight." I'm not trying to make this hateful, and apologize if it comes off that way. I guess OOC is a good place to question the silliness of this. Note: I'm not sure if this should stay up, so I'm prepared to remove it if asked.