[center][color=DodgerBlue][h3] Kilo Pestifer Leon[/h3][/color] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/4dbd/th/pre/f/2014/166/c/0/what_are_you_thinking_about__rott__by_kyoux-d7mc3xk.png[/img] Location: Front Lines of GIC (Mission #1) [@Jedly] [@Kurai Assassin] [/center] [hr][hr] Electricity arced off Kilo's body as he cracked his neck, throwing himself into the battle like that would put strain on his body, but it wasn't anything he couldn't fix. He took his time cracking every part of his body, his back, arms, legs, limbering up for the battle that would soon take place. He was so focused on stretching, that barely noticed the trio that stood a few feet away, brandishing score cards as if they were judges for the Olympic high dive that he had just preformed. Despite the monotony of it all, Kilo found himself frowning at the 8 that he was given, it was a perfect fall. Kilo made the decision that the judge was the Simon Cowell of the trio. Kilo remained silent while the group conversed amongst one another, criticizing Simon Cowell's choice in score. No, the Preeminence chose to remain vigilant, frowning under his mask at the GFS Forces, disapointed at the small number of Members that they had sent, it seemed that the BKS and the SES would have to bring the man power. Kilo sighed, GFS trusted the Civilian fighters to much, nothing stopped him from completely taking over GIC, which he planned to do, no doubt, Spam would also fall prey to SES occupation. An official Legion was on its way here, it would arrive in about 2 hours, as of now though, the makeshift Legion here was on its way, in about 10 minutes, it would back up GFS forces and show the mighty power of the SES, and what a group could do when all racial barriers were knocked down. Kilo was so deep in thought, that after realizing it, he noticed a N Variant KBot trying to bring down its club of an arm on him, but was blocked by he Pink one. In one fluid motion, she enlarged her heart shaped locket, and fired 2 rockets, along with GPS Forces fire, the bot blew up in a torrent of metal and flames. [i]Not half bad.[/i] Kilo thought to himself. Although he more than fast enough to dodge it, or strong enough to take the attack, he appreciated the thought. [color=DodgerBlue]"Unusual for the deity of marriage to be destroying bots, but I'm in no place to judge. Juno, Cipher, Rachel.‘’[/color] Kilo said bowing and nodding slightly in reply to Juno's introductions. [color=DodgerBlue]"My name is Kilo, some are to lazy to say the whole thing and call me Kil, call me whatever you please. As for the Defense Checkpoint, last I saw, it was well on its way to being completed, a SES Legion left not to long ago to assist us here, so it should be almost finished."[/color] Kilo said unexcitedly, rubbing his chin in thought. Quickly though, his thinking session was interrupted by short lived and gunfire and the departure of Rachel and Cipher, leaving him the the marriage deity Juno. Kilo frowned under his mask, not his ideal partner, but as he said before, he was in no place to judge. Unfortunately, Kilo regretted to his vow to avoid judgment when Commander Kurai apppered, battered and bruised, sporting a wide eyed beady look and reminded them of thier mission. [color=DodgerBlue]"I thank you for the assistance and reminder, but keep watch on your own men, you seemed to be taking to many casualties, a bit to much to be stretching them thin like this."[/color] Kilo said calmly, his voice lightly laced with contempt due to what Kilo saw a carelessness on her part.