[center][sup][@Sep]||Ivy & Colossus[/sup][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111118828/4027852-poison+ivy+banner.jpg[/img][/center] [right]Chicago[/right] Quite frankly Ivy really disliked this metal man. She bared her teeth at him as raised a hand to her before dismissing her and focusing on the other woman. She blinked as the man paused then the floor rose to meet her. She heard the harsh sound of bodies hitting the floor and Sarah's frightened wordless cry. Ivy lost the grip on the strange gun as she tried to brace herself for impact. Ivy hissed in pain as she hit the ground awkwardly. Her healing wound pulsed in time with her rapid heartbeat. Her elbow now added to the various aches from her tussle downstairs. Still Ivy ignored her body and forced herself up into what amounted to a sitting position. Her green eyes immediately locked onto Sarah. Her daughter was huddled in a corner, eyes wide and cheeks tear stained from crying. That made it three for three. Ivy's heart twisted at the thought of all her children crying. She was supposed to protect them. At the thought Ivy attempted to stand and go to Sarah but her limbs really wouldn't respond. Exhaustion. Ivy's analytical mind supplied. Too much effort and too little sleep. It was probably the stunt with the plants downstairs that was finally catching up to her. Without her rage reserves she was crashing. A few hours of sleep and she would be fine. But there was still so much to do before she could be weak. Sarah was still so far away. The metal man was between Ivy and her daughter. A man Ivy didn't trust at all. Grown men who wanted little girls were typically up to no good. While these thoughts passed through Ivy's head the man had finished with the other woman and entered Ivy's line of sight. He knelt down in front of Sarah, cutting off Ivy's view of her. Ivy made a small sound. Helpless was never something that sat well with her. Then the man scooped up her daughter and turned to her. Ivy tilted his head and watched his lips move. The only thing she heard was the pounding of her own heart. "[color=1a7b30]Sarah.[/color]" Ivy said. Or maybe she didn't. With the way her body wasn't responding it was completely possible she just imagined saying it. Then her eyes fluttered closed.