[quote=@Shorticus] [@Hael] So, communication therefore must either be standardized within empires or else individuals must learn numerous languages, aye? [/quote] Not exactly. I'm going to allow them, just not quick ones. [@Lauder], I just updated the "Controversial Technologies" section of the OP with a bit on Universal Translators. Here, so you don't have to go hunting for it: [b]Universal Translators:[/b] There are hundreds of different species, all with different cultures, different biology, and different brains... and some device can magically understand them all instantly? Please tell me you're joking. Even with the most advanced Sci-fi technology, I see no way this could be possible save over-powered telepathy, and we already discussed the limitations of telepathy. Furthermore, even if it were possible, I don't like the idea of everyone just understanding eachother off the bat. It's too convenient, too easy, and too boring. So no easy universal translators, although I WILL allow devices that can translate a language after being given some time and a lot of samples to work with. Thus, if you desire a machine that can translate speech for you, I will allow it granted that the machine does so only after spending several days or weeks attempting to understand the new language- and, once the language is learned, can translate it from then on. To recap: Universal translators are only allowed if they learn a language slowly, over days or weeks.