Kelvin nodded as the General spoke, smiling. [color=8493ca]“Sometimes I wonder what that child would think, if they had seen the carnage and killings committed in their name.”[/color] He shook his head. [color=8493ca]“I once thought it was worth fighting for. The blood seeming to boil in your veins at the thought of werewolves savaging your children, witches sacrificing them, and vampires draining their blood.”[/color] As Kelvin laughed, the chuckle darkened and died. [color=8493ca]“At least, I thought it was worth fighting for, until I suddenly found that the true monsters weren’t in light or shadow- they were inside of us.”[/color] It was refreshing to talk to another with similar viewpoint, though he had known [i]of[/i] the Demon General for ages. Tales of the man’s strange ideals weren’t lacking, though they didn’t do him justice either. Kelvin smiled at the other man. [color=8493ca]“Kelvin Adalhard.”[/color] He reached out and shook the man’s hand- to some slight surprise- though not a huge shock, as soldiers tended to have that strange ability more than others. It was a gamble, if his gauntlet had gone through the other’s hand the disguise would be up- not that it was much of an attempt, as Kelvin always wore this face in the land of the living. He wondered if the other would notice the difference between the rough leather of the inside of the gauntlet and the silky cloth his illusion showed as gloves. There were a lot of factors here, dealing with an immortal Demon General. Uriel may even know him by name, if not by sight. Kelvin let it be though, trusting the fellow soldier to let Kelvin’s slight dishonesty go. It was refreshing sometimes to be treated as a living person. Naya’s sudden movement towards him made Kelvin quickly turn his head away from her general direction. Uriel’s own gaze let him know that he had been staring for a bit longer than he should have. It was a relief when she addressed Uriel instead. It made sense, seeing as they [i]had[/i] been traveling companions for a while. When she turned towards him however, Kelvin resisted the urge to straighten immediately, instead pushing off of the wall slowly and offering an easy smile. [color=8493ca]“Any friend of our dear General is a friend of mine,”[/color] He caught her hand gently and brought it up to kiss it gently, careful not to actually touch his bones to it. Kelvin was careful to touch her hand with the leather of the inner gauntlet, though not a hard feat considering the difference in size. He let her hand go as he straightened, glancing at Uriel. [color=8493ca]“I am Adalhard.”[/color] He leaned toward her slightly and muttered, [color=8493ca]“I would tell you my first name, but I am afraid it’s a bit embarrassing.”[/color] Kelvin gave the Demon General a wink. [color=8493ca]“Spare me my diginity, at least at our first meeting.”[/color] She was quite pretty in that dress, though in his own era it would have been considered far too revealing. He was careful to only look at her face, and told himself that ‘all the young kids were doing it’. Which of course made it worse. [@Narcotic Dollie][@Polaris North]