Elann felt the resistant pull of her husband and lingered even longer, but eventually she pulled away and looked to him. "I have the ability to help them. My gift from Yahal allows me to soothe those strained, cursed, and the afflicted of the mind. There is no better time than now to help ease their burdens." Noah was right, it wasn't her problem, but she had invested into these people. They were becoming like family to her in a way, and Aimee could probably see that too. Three weeks on the road with someone, sharing meals and constantly talking, you either hate them or love them by the end of it. Elann had to comfort them, express loss with them, and emotively feel their pain with them. Darkness had a way of creeping into those who faced death and by being one with them, you could bring great comfort to them. Elann took a step back from the edge of the wagon toward the people and saw he sought to follow, so she took his unburnt hand in hers and walked slowly first to the doctor's family who she had saved by shooting the first man who had charged them. As she did she beckoned for Aimee to follow too as it would be much more heartfelt to have her there. Elann activated her gift and washed them all with the purity of Yahal, erasing slowly the darkness that tried to creep in. Giving her life to the people, Elann would feel great emotion and it would be hard for Noah to endure, but he also would be able to see the families she visited in their sorrowful state before and how cleansed they were after Elann spoke with them. If he felt too overwhelmed by it, she would dull their bond only with his permission, but focused mainly on helping the others. The soldiers went about gathering wood and stones to cremate the dead bodies and they helped people take down their tents as they were not to stay in the area that night. Elann made it her priority to focus on the people instead.