[h3][color=0072bc]Rico[/color] and [color=7ea7d8]Lulu[/color], [color=0072bc]the Riolu Twins[/color], [color=9e0b0f]Sawk and Throh Dojo[/color][/h3] [@Light Lord] [@Ninian] [@Noklu] [@Empour] [@Iatos] [color=0072bc]"Well, usually that's true Devon. But there are many Riolu who have mastered the move. It's not impossible to learn, but it's much harder before evolving into a Lucario like dad."[/color] Explained Rico, as his sister continued with the story. [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah, that Flash. Dad was amazing, Flash couldn't land a single blow! But dad thought he was down for the count, and turned his back on him. Flash tried to blindside him, but we blasted him, then dad gave him an uppercut to remember."[/color] Said Lulu, miming out the punch. Then Milton jumped down from nowhere, challenging the twins to a battle. [color=0072bc]"Um, you realize it's two against one, right?"[/color] Said Rico, looking around to see if anyone would step forward to aid Milton. [h3][color=2e3192]Omen[/color] and [color=004b80]Spirit[/color], [color=9e0b0f]Sawk and Throh Dojo[/color][/h3] Spirit sat down in a kind of meditative pose, while Omen rested in a lying position. [color=2e3192]"I'm sorry to pull you away like this, but what I'm about to say, I know only you would believe."[/color] Began Omen resting his eyes upon Spirits. [color=2e3192]"In my entire life, I've never felt something as disturbing as this. I felt a great disaster coming, greater than any since..."[/color] Spirit raised his hand, not wanting to even speak of that event that had transpired over ten years ago. [color=2e3192]"The world is in danger, from what I cannot determine. Something is... blocking me, shrouding itself in a veil of darkness. Whatever it is, it could mean the complete destruction of our world."[/color] Spirit remained silent, taking in every word that Omen had said. It was true, yes, that Absol could sense coming danger. And Omen and his family had saved Valiant Village in the past because of it. But another apocalypse event... it seemed like the world never changed from this routine of imminent destruction and salvation. [color=004b80]"And you are sure that the danger is that great?"[/color] Omen nodded his head once in response. Spirit put his hand to his chin, thinking. Then it dawned on him. [color=004b80]"If the world is in that great a danger, would something else not happen again?"[/color] Spirit was referring to the story told many times over. Of how humans would be brought to their world when it was on the brink of destruction, as they were the only ones who could stop it. Omen contemplated this for a moment. [color=2e3192]"That is true... but who, or where, if they are here, are these humans? They would probably be greatly confused by the turn of events, possibly even no memory of even being a human..."[/color] Spirit thought long and hard, but nothing immediately came to mind. Then again, much had happened today, but it felt like he was missing something important... what was it? He thought back as far as he could. He rescued Rico and Lulu, the morning meeting, the talk with Celty, Devon, and Dylan... Devon and Dylan... wait! Didn't they say something about having amnesia? Could it be... or was it just a coincidence? Well... truthfully it wasn't a rare occurrence for a Pokemon to end up in that state. Then again, he never did take a good look at their Aura did he? In his experience, one's Aura could speak thousands more words than most Pokemon would actually speak. Finally, Omen broke the silence. [color=2e3192]"So, did you think of something? You got that look on your face when you realize something."[/color] Spirit looked over to Omen. [color=004b80]"There's a look?"[/color] Omen cracked a smile. [color=2e3192]"You can't miss it. So, what is it?"[/color] Spirit shook his head. [color=004b80]"Probably nothing, just a wild hunch that probably would lead us on a wild Unfezent chase."[/color] He said this, but he wasn't too sure of the truth behind those words. [color=004b80]"So, tell me, how were your travels, I'm very intrigued."[/color] Omen perked up a little. [color=2e3192]"Well, the south is way different than here, that's for sure..."[/color] [h3][color=fff79a]Valiant Village, Town Gate[/color][/h3] [@Banana] Razor listened to the little Ice type's story, nodding his head. [color=a36209]"Well, a team would be out of the question for a brand new recruit. But, if you were to join, and get your work done right and on time, you'd probably be climbing that ladder pretty quick."[/color] Then he told him about the Snorunt named Hat. [color=a36209]"Hat, huh? Never heard of him, so he must have just gotten into town today. I'll find him later and have a chat with him."[/color] The crowds had finally cleared out, and life had returned to normal in Valiant Village. Razor sighed and turned towards the Guild, stopping for a moment and looking back. [color=a36209]"Well, the least I can do for you right now is to give you the grand tour of the place. It's not as luxurious as it looks on the outside, but it's home."[/color] He said, waving his arm forward, urging the Vanillite to follow.