[h1][center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/0ad630b78350dee61112510859d6b1cb/tumblr_mn0splfB0x1s5jjtzo1_500.png[/img] [color=orchid][b] U N I V E R S A L[/b] ™[/color][/center][/h1] [b][i]Welcome to New Athens, a city of adventure and intrigue on the Atlantic Coast of North Carolina. In New Athens, a hero is made every day and a villain every night. A thriving metropolis, New Athens is a modern city built in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina and extending to the Atlantic Ocean with several valleys and one large river that connects to the coast. Over the years the city thrived with coal mining being it's main source of revenue however New Athens quickly became a leading industrial city on the eastern 'States with several noteworthy corporations' factories and plants. Westman Chemical Plant, Napier Valley Ammunition Plant, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, and Wells Helicopter are just a few of the reasons people choose to live and work in the grand city of tomorrow. The Olympian Gazette is widely known for its stories of new superhumans and celebrities, as well as the general local news. Midtown is where most of the action is, as well as the Mercury Mall. Subdivisions, landmarks, and schools include Lee Heights, the Kirby River, Shuster Elementary School, Universal Avenue [one of the longest streets in America], Simon Middle School, Kubert High School, Riverview [ghetto subdivision], Highland Park, Warpath State Park [in the mountains], the Museum of Tomorrow [tech museum], etc. The city sees a number of tourists as well, all trying to get a glimpse of superhumans in action. New Athens has more superhumans than any other major metropolitan city in America with a general population of over three hundred and sixty thousand residents with an estimated fifteen thousand superhumans possibly within city limits. And who are these superhumans? [/i][/b] ________________________________________ Rules: 1.) No back-to-back posting. 2.) PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND SET-UPS!! 3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over. 4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys... 5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. 6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story. 7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played. 8.) There is no rule #8. 9.) My word is law. 10.) Obey the law. 11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [@Aro] will take control and HIS word will then be law. ________________________________________ [b]May 3rd, 11:52 am...[/b] A young man with glowing yellow eyes rode a mechanical snake towards the city New Athens on the coast of North Carolina. Arkylius had tried to be a hero in the undersea city of Atlantis, but his friend, and main mode of long distance transportation 'Jake', was the reason he left to be a hero abroad. The King had ordered the robot creature dismantled by the Royal Guard and the young Atlantian chose to flee. Ark was only about a half mile out from the beach now, and put the stealth mode on Jake activating his invisibility tech that Ark also possessed in his would be supersuit. The twenty-four year old young man swam to shore the rest of the way at a remarkable speed, and on foot immediately began looking around with wide eyes and dreams of having a life of his own on the surface. The Atlantian walked into a shop on the boardwalk and wanted regular surface dweller clothing and a bag for his gear. He walked out with black swim trunks and a white t-shirt with something spray painted on it. And some sandals that looked like they were made for a teenager with some sort of ridiculous image printed on them. The bag he purchased to carry his gear in also had flowers on it, as the boy had much to learn about the surface world. When it came time to pay he simply put down a handful of gold coins and a large bottle cap sized jewel. The owner looked completely happy as the stuff probably only costed him ten or fifteen dollars total. The jewel by itself would go for about twenty times that alone. Ark continued up the boardwalk with his bag in hand. Aside from not really knowing what anything was supposed to be on land, he seemed to fit in effortlessly. He came upon 'UNIVERSAL AVE.' that had a sign close to it on a bus stop reading 'The Longest Street In The Nation. EST 1882' There was no reason for Ark to go in either direction of this famed street. However in the distance he saw for the first time the Appalachian Mountains. He wanted to go towards those, but on Universal all kinds of things transpire. The longest street in the nation goes right through downtown and midtown, as well as towards Westman Chemical's quarter of the city. [b]1:37 pm...[/b] Shayd the Indestructible Man awaits in the Kirby River upstream from Westman Chemical plotting his next strike. The black behemoth didn't know that STRIKE was watching him from their hidden mountain fortress with satellites only the smartest minds in the world could operate. ~KL~