Here's my character! I kept the history and personality sections short because quite frankly, I hate to develop a character fully before the RP starts. They always build themselves after I start playing them. [hider=Aisling the Hunter]Name: Aisling Treoir Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Aisling is not unfamiliar with the phrase pretty boy. He stands at about six feet tall. He's built almost entire of lean muscle, due to his metabolism and lifestyle, there's very little to no fat on his body. He has overlong and somewhat messy, sandy brown hair, which he likes to wear loose, but will tie it up if he needs to in order to keep it out of his face. His eyes are a strange pale blue that makes them look almost colorless. His skin is fair and mostly unblemished, save for a light dusting of freckles across his nose and a few mismatched scars. He is always clean shaven, mainly because he is incapable of growing facial hair. He likes to wear light and loose clothing with minimal armor, but carries a thick, hooded, cloak with him for winter months or cold nights. He always has some sort of headband on, usually colored some shade of blue. Personality: Aisling is not a loner, but he does enjoy being alone more than being with the company of others. That being said, he will not ignore people when they speak to him, or put up any defenses to make people want to leave him alone. By nature he is serious and goal oriented, able to stay on task and not get distracted by petty things. He isn't the most talkative person, but has been known to chatter about subjects he's passionate about. He's clever and has a sharp wit, able to keep a cool head and think his way out of bad situations. Despite being okay around people, he doesn't do well with teamwork, as he always fights alone. He adapts quickly though and is a fast learner. History: Aisling has never known a true home. Ever since he can remember, his parents have been travelling around in a covered wagon. As healers, they travelled the land helping anybody in need, regardless of who they were. Even when he was very young, his parents could tell that his vision was sharper than theirs, so they put him to work earlier, making him their lookout. After he grew a little bit and got a little strong, his father started teaching him how to use a bow, so that he would able to defend himself if needed. Though he struggled at first, he quickly picked up the art and began improving. In about half a year he was good enough to be able to hunt game and bring it back to his parents for supplies. Aisling was taught to be kind to people, and to not discriminate against them. But those teachings only stayed with him a short while. Because when he was thirteen, a group of barbarians took advantage of his parent's kindness and killed both of them, all for the meager supplies in their wagon. The only reason Aisling survived was because he saw them coming, and his parents made him take the horse and leave. But, as grief and hatred clouded his judgment, he returned to what was left of the wagon, buried his parents, and then set out to hunt down the barbarians. With both his normal vision, and night vision, better than the average person's, he tracked them down and struck their camp in the middle of the night, slaying each and every one of them. After the initial shock of his first kills wore off, Aisling realized what he had done, and that it wouldn't stop with his parents. More innocent people would die because of barbarians like these. It was then and there that he vowed to fight the barbarians, try and keep them at bay, and keep as many innocent people alive as he possibly could. He bends his knee to no king and allies himself with no nation, instead choosing to do what his parents did and help people, though in his own, slightly twisted way. He's travelled ever since, living almost entirely outside of civilization, hunting down barbarians and trying to make the world a little bit safer. Journey: Aisling has incredibly sharp eyesight, he sees further and notices things faster than most others. This coupled with a lot of hard work and lightning fast reflexes has made him one of, if not the, best snipers in land. He utilizes these skills, along with the survival skills he has picked up, to leave the safety of the nations and hunt the barbarians that roam about. He has been known to take out entire groups before, sometimes before they even know he is there. He is not without mercy though, if the barbarians aren't terrorizing anybody, he leaves them be. Ideals: Aisling's greatest desire is to help people, but due to his parent's death, that has been warped into something much darker than becoming a healer. He feels that the best way he can help people is through using his skills with a bow, rather than what little he knows about treating injuries. Holdings: Aisling has with him a longbow and a quiver full of arrows, both of which he made himself and has the supplies to make and maintain. He also has with him a pair of short swords, in case he needs to fight in short range. With him at all times is his companion, and as he jokes his wife, a snow white horse named Ion. In the bags of her saddle are all the supplies Aisling needs to survive in the wilds, including a bedroll, water skins, a small supply of food, fire starting equipment, cooking supplies, etc.[/hider]