[@Belwicket] Username: TheonlyYorickmainalive. Character Name: Yorick Race: Undead Human. Appearance: [img]http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Yorick_0.jpg[/img] Personality: Youick ventures forth to bury those that oppose him, with no real end goal. He acts as if it's a matter of pride, and is quick to strike those that underestimate his powers. However, he does make friends, and its one of the few things that makes grave digging a sad event for him. Powers: Super Human Strength: Yorick is strong enough, using his his shovel, he can tear a normal man in two with a singular swing, though thick wow style fantasy armor. Feel no pain: Yorick, being undead, feels nothing in terms of agony. To him, destruction of his flesh is something easily fixed. Abilities: Shovel Knight: Yorick being a grave digger, has learned how to get the most out of a shovel. Being his prefered weapon of choice, in his hands, they become lethal killing tools. Master of Digging: Yorick is also extremely skilled at digging holes, as he is a grave digger. From an island where the undead roam, killing anything living really quickly....he's dug a lot. Magic: Omen of Famine: Using this spell, Yorick summons a ghoul, a weak undead minion that tears into his enemies with their long claws, stealing the life from those they attack, healing Yorick. This healing is amplified when they attack heroes ((PCs)). They last until killed, and are harmed by magic and physical damage. Cd: 6 seconds Omen of War: Enchanting his shovel, Yorick's next melee attack, should it hit, would summon a vengeful specter of some sort to attack his foes, while at the same time increasing the damage done by the strike. Should he miss the attack, the ability is wasted. Out of all the omens, this one is the more directly harmful, but it gives no other benefits. They last until killed. The Specter is able to be hit, and damaged, via physical and magical means. Cd: 12 seconds. Omen of Pestilence: Calling upon the dark powers that be, Yorick summons a plague zombie, a slow bastion of rot and disease. While near a OoP, people find their strength sapped, and their movements slowed. When they attack, they apply a dangerous poison to their foes. They last until killed. They last until killed, and are able to be destroyed by physical or magical means. Cd: 6 seconds. Omen of Death: Yorick's most powerful ability, the omen of death summons a copy of the targeted creature, for up to 10 seconds. Should the creature die during the ten seconds, they'll be revived for however long the specter was activated, with their strength restored, and their abilities off cool down. After their time is up, their bodies turn to dust almost instantly. If the omen is destroyed, the short term revive is stopped. Cd: 6 minutes. Dark Pact: Yorick's Omens are directly proportionately powerful compared to him. They start out quite weak, one of two strike targets for most anyone (two is for the weaker spectrum of characters.), however as Yorick grows stronger so do they, and magical items that boost his strength, or vitality will proportionately effect them as well.