[center][h3]"Do not [b][color=f6989d]stray[/color][/b] the [b][color=f6989d]path of God[/color][/b], Mother said." [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/aJcrG7t.jpg[/IMG] Isabet "Isa" Pampanga[/h3] [hider=Basic Information] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] Isabet Magdelena Pampanga [b][u]Nickname[/u][/b] Isa [i][u]Gender[/u][/i] Male [b][u]Age & Date of Birth[/u][/b] Thirteen [b][u]Age Appearance[/u][/b] Adolescent [b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b] Unexplored [b][u]Grandparents[/u][/b] Biological: Unknown Adoptive: Deacon Grant Baker, Grandfather Helena Baker, Grandmother Magdalene Davis, Grandmother, Deceased [b][u]Godly Parent[/u][/b] Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty [b][u]Mortal Parent[/u][/b] Biological: Tito Pampanga Adoptive: Mr and Mrs Baker [b][u]Siblings[/u][/b] Counting all of the church kids, not including the ones that left, a total of sixteen older and younger siblings. Mostly attached to a Connor "Canary" Pearson, five years older and a caretaker of the group along with another teenager. [b][u]Height and build[/u][/b]: 5’0, slim and lanky. Isa is literal stick and bones with no meat to show for, bone easily peeking through think layer of skin. He hunches and bows his head a lot, however, which makes him seem smaller than he actually is. [b][u]Weight[/u][/b] 98 lbs [b][u]Favorite weather and season[/u][/b] In terms of weather, Isa prefers it to be warm and nice out, but not too overbearingly sunny. For seasons, he has a preference for either fall or spring, leaning more towards fall due to spring being full of allergies. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-miPbAPQff8s/VpliiF_tgkI/AAAAAAAAN8Y/AqOvydJkMGE/s1600/Decorative_text_divider_-_central_flare.svg.png[/img] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Though not fair and white, Isa is fairly light, pale skin coloring his body. A quick dip under the sun's rays is sure to darken him with ease, but for the most part, Isa tends to be fairly pale. He is short and lanky, almost looking childlike in nature, moreso than he actually is. At the awkward stage of adolescence his body is the most awkward it's been, from little pimples appearing on his hairline behind his bangs, to the strange boniness of his limbs. Despite this, there is no denying Isa is still quite beauitiful. His eyes are large and hazel, a contrast to the rest of his subdued features, thus making them the first things people seem to notice. His nose is plain and small, and while his lips aren't paper thin, they aren't big enough to brag about anyways. If people fail to be captivated by Isa's eyes upon first glance, they are bound to at least do a double take at the length of his hair, which rests heavily on his lower back. Thick and wavy, it is almost a wonder how the light auburn hair manages to keep itself untangled every morning and without a dandruff in sight. [/hider] [hider=Detailed Information] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Without a doubt, Isa has the personality of a wet sponge-- which is to say, he has none. The young man is prone to staying silent, his expressive features somehow translating words he doesn't have. When it comes to debates, Isa finds himself often unable to stand at sides, instead ambling more towards what person was the kindest to him-- and if he knew neither, then which one looked the kindest. He himself is neither kind nor terrible, often looking past people in need unless someone expected him to do something about it. He is selfish when it comes to people, often wishing for more attention than whatever he's getting, though due more to a crippling fear of isolation than anything. Though Isa doesn't believe in the bible and has never found an interest in believing it, he uses it defensively for occasions in which he gets uncomfortable, the words, "God wouldn't want me to do that," having left his lips more than once. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-miPbAPQff8s/VpliiF_tgkI/AAAAAAAAN8Y/AqOvydJkMGE/s1600/Decorative_text_divider_-_central_flare.svg.png[/img] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Isa's father disappeared on him when he was three leaving him alone in his apartment wailing his ass off, being saved only because the neighbor filed a noise complaint. There were signs that his dad seemed like he'd come back-- like the just restocked pantry, or the still unfinished laundry== but there was no hint of him for a long while. Eventually he was put in the system, assuming his father dead, and though Isa remembers hints of warmth he grew up basically not knowing his father other than through the surname they shared. He ended up not caring otherwise for his father anyways, sure that a man who left a kid like that instead of leaving him at the steps of someone's house like a cliche was probably an asshole that didn't deserve his forgiveness anyways. He was placed into a church orphanage that had around seven other kids and was raised both by the kids and the caretakers of the orphanage, growing up with a family that was his but also wasn't. Almost too often kids more kids came in than kids left, but Isa didn't mind because hey at least he didn't have to suffer through religion class on his own. The house was obviously very religious, and though Isa felt uncomfortable with the religion, he still followed along with the others in prayer and going to church. He first saw a picture of his father when he was five and an older brother of his, Connor "Canary" Pearson, snuck a picture of his dad on file, giving it to Isa to keep. Canary got caught, obviously, and got badly punished for theft even if it was for the sake of someone else, but Isa ended up being allowed to keep the picture anyways. Though it wasn't much, and he hated his father, and they looked barely alike, Isa kept the picture with his belongings at all times. When Canary came out of solitary confinement he and Isa started bonding more than other kids bonded. Canary helped Isa with his homework, and Isa played with him a lot during recess or free time. While the two clearly interacted with their evergrowing group of siblings, it was only to be expected that some children would prefer others' company over others, and dind't seem to mind that Canary and Isa spent so much time. After all, there were other kids forming their own groups as well, all of them united only under God. In fact, Isa and Canary got so close that when Canary was around twelve and thirteen, the two of them started experimenting with things that felt good. It was inexplicable to others, but somehow, after the age of seven, Isa kept becoming more beautiful more quickly rather than cute, which was the way the rest of his siblings tended to go. Despite his beauty though, he was still too unnervingly beautiful that potential parents didn't want to adopt him, and the church itself felt kind of like his presence was overall making the church nicer so they didn't want to put him up for adoption it was weird. During church when he was ten he sat by the back after taking a bathroom break, preferring the distance between him and the altar over the usual closeness plus sometimes he needed a break from Connor. Someone from behind him pet his head and when he glanced up and the choir and everyone was singing Immaculate Mary, he saw a familiar lookin dude who said something inaudible about his mother's hair and when he turned around real quick as the "Ave Maria"s got cut short with a collective gasp, the man disappeared and one of the kids passed out in the middle of altar serving. After that, Isa started growing out his hair feeling like it was the right thing to do, and when the nuns or his parents asked him he would tell them it was to show his dedication to God which they all got wet over and supported him. Canary loved his long hair too, helping him brush it even though it didn't need to be brushed, and even though he pulled it sometimes while they were doing things that felt good, he always apologized and said it was all part of the fun, so Isa let it slide and learned to enjoy it, too, sort of. The more Isa hung out with Canary the more Isa ended up hanging out with the older kids in general which was weird because he was five years apart with a ton of them. Nonetheless they were pretty chill and let Isa smoke things with them but Canary obviously got really violent whenever any of them showed weird touchy vibes and Isa just thought it was cool because hey, violence isn't allowed by God, but here Canary is, the Godliest person he knew and he was badass. That in turn lead to Isa handling new kids or shit from old kids a bit more differently, be it about his hair, his face, his closeness with the older kids, they eventually built up and soon Isa was getting into fights and the church people and his parents didn't know what to do with him. When he was twelve he got caught twice during the many times he and the other kids were shoplifting, but given that it was only him and he had such a sad crying face, they let him off with a warning and a small picture book on why stealing was bad. As soon as Canary turned eighteen he convinced Isa to go away with him, leave the shitty hellhole behind, and it took some convincing while they were still doin their chores but eventually in the middle of the night Isa snuck off with three other kids counting Canary and they rode in a minivan outta there. They stayed pretty close by for a day or two because the older kids were dumb and didn't plan shit out, stole some more shit for food and clothes, and when Isa pointed out the local news looking for his kidnappers, i.e, the three legal teens with him, Canary made him feel good to forget about it. The next day they went on a lil road trip and got the fuck outta there. Then because they were literally dumb kids their plan was to fake their deaths by crashing the car they stole, which they did, but complications happened and two of them got badly injured and trapped in the wreckage of burning car, and Isa and Canary barely got to make it out of there with bad cuts and bruises. Canary passed out on Isa as they were running through forest, and one of the orphan teens came up to him out of nowhere and was like, "Dude you were so hard to find", and Isa was like, I don't trust teens anymore leave me alone, and the guy who Isa noticed had sick fur pants on-- he didn't know Christian kids were allowed to wear shit like that-- was like, no man, we gotta get you help, and surprisingly you are way closer than I expected you to be, and Isa was like, "what about Canary" and the other guy who was supporting him as they continued through was like, "He'll be fine, don't worry," and then Isa passed out because who wouldn't after all of that. [b][u]Theme Song[/u][/b] N/A [/hider] [hider=Combat Information] [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b] [hider=Weapons/Items] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] FucK ILL ADd IT SOMETIME)) [b]Description[/b] [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-miPbAPQff8s/VpliiF_tgkI/AAAAAAAAN8Y/AqOvydJkMGE/s1600/Decorative_text_divider_-_central_flare.svg.png[/img] [b]Name of Weapon or Item[/b] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)) [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [/hider] [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] [b]Cheating.[/b] In his time living with a house full of children and not enough food, Isa has become talented at lying and little psychological party tricks. From sleight of hand to distracting the other party and pointing them another direction, Isa has learned these skills in order to both survive and also get a second bite of brownie. [b]Punching Bag.[/b] When it comes to combat, the closest experience he has is brawling with a few kids which were often cut short by either his mother or a number of nuns. Given his build and height he often uses the above distractions or uses anything he can get his hand on as a weapon-- even foldable chairs-- but mostly is really good at getting his ass whooped. [b]Good at Hearin' Shit.[/b] He hasn't touched or read the bible but knows it by heart due to it being read aloud to him-- his auditory skills are brilliant, even despite his hair being covered up more often and his large eyes being able to see clearly. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] [b]High Pain Tolerance.[/b] The perks of getting your ass whooped is that you become really good at taking shit. Pretty bruises cover Isa's skin, but they are all proof of how thick his skin is. [b]Physically Lacking.[/b] That is, he is all stick and no brawn, and probably has trouble picking up anything even slightly heavy, much less deliver blows that are anything damaging. [b]Above Average Reaction Times.[/b] The "above average" part only plays out due to the fact that the kids he's been duking it with tend to be the same kids, and Isa just got better at figuring out their patterns. Put him in with a stranger however, and Isa is as good as dead. [b]Poor Weapons Handling.[/b] Not to mention that Isa has never handled a weapon before, but the ones he has, like knives or coffee pots, have hurt him somehow. Not to mention his weak build and effeminate features-- surely sitting behind a desk suits him more than wearing armor. [img] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-miPbAPQff8s/VpliiF_tgkI/AAAAAAAAN8Y/AqOvydJkMGE/s1600/Decorative_text_divider_-_central_flare.svg.pngthe[/img] [b][u]Powers:[/u][/b] [b]Attractive.[/b] Like, breathtakingly, stunningly attractive. Whenever he's about to be caught doing something, like stealing or being in a fight, whenever his body is sent into full on panic something just clicks and Isa looks so beautiful when he's scared out of his wits people sometimes stop in their tracks or have to catch their breath for a minute, a minute Isa will probably use to hightail it on out of there. [b][u]Pet(s):[/u][/b] None.[/hider] [/center]