While Emil watched the little halfling take off down the hall, he found himself stopped by the beast-woman. Again, he instinctively stiffened as the monstrous woman placed her palm on his shoulder. He made a mental note to apologize to Sakaala later, he knew that she should trust the warrior, as they had pledged themselves to the same cause, and his constant unease around her did nothing for their sense of unit cohesion. Sakaala asked Emil and Ionathan to pause, stating that she would grant them power as soon as the fighter Ajax arrived- to which he promptly walked by, and declined. Sakaala spoke a word of power, and then the air seemed to still around them, and it took a moment for Emil to realize what had just happened. While he felt nothing in himself changed, he noticed a sudden deliberateness in the motion of everything around him- people moving, even the air around them. Emil watched as Sakaala took off in the direction the halfling ran. Emil nodded to himself and followed suit- chasing after the beast-woman, his halberd at the ready. The scene he entered was strange. There had been a mage threatening their host- who had been seemingly subdued by the combination of Sakaala, the halfling, and Ajax- who had somehow caught up to them through means Emil would ask about later. As of now, the mage was on the ground with a sword pointed at him wielded by Sakaala. Emil contended himself with staying in the background of the following scene, paying attention to his surroundings in case the mage tried to play some sort of trickery on them.