The RPs I'm involved in have slowed down considerably due to either writer's block or RL circumstances. It is because of this that I'm looking to start another RP, but this one is a fandom RP. You can be one or more of the canon characters or you can make up your own. I don't really care how much you type each post, but please at least give me something to respond to. I will do my best to do the same for you. I already have a couple of ideas, but feel free to suggest your own down below or in a PM. 1. [hider=United, We Stand/Divided, We Fall] Beacon, a huntsmen academy without peer, has given [color=00aeef]four random youngsters[/color] the opportunity to attend classes for free! Though this isn't necessarily a good thing. The White Fang have been stepping up their attacks, creatures of grimm have become more aggressive, and a new threat lurks in the shadows just waiting for the right time to strike. How will these four teens cope when they stumble upon a conspiracy that threatens all of Remnant? Will they step up and save the world, or will they be torn apart--not just by this threat, but by each other as well? (For this story, it is imperative that most of our characters have clashing personalities. You should be able to play two of the characters at least. Since this is an AU Remnant, you don't have to create both of your characters from scratch. It is entirely possible that one of the canon characters could be one of these students. This could become 18+ as there can be two characters with compatible personalities. They might, as some people their age do, "fool around". I want to stress, though, that this doesn't have to be the case. They could have completely platonic relationships.) [/hider] 2. [hider=Just Us Against The World] Remnant is a dangerous place and no one knows this more than the huntsmen. [color=00aeef]One such huntsman's[/color] worldview has turned especially grim (haha, pun!). He has lost all hope in humanity and was even debating suicide until he came across an [color=00aeef]adventurer[/color]. This adventurer has an outlandish claim of a danger to all of Remnant that no one believes, so they had decided to take matters into their own hands with disastrous results (you can decide what happened if you want to). What will happen when these two meet? Will the huntsman help the adventurer or will he simply toss them aside like so many others. (For this story, you would be playing the part of an adventurer with a conspiracy theory that turns out to be true. This can be anything at all: a deranged scientist making a grimm-creating doomsday device, maybe someone is trying to capture the season maidens and take their magic to take over the world, it can even be an end-of-the-world cult that is infiltrating the upper echelons of the Remnant's governments. I can work with almost anything. This is potentially 18+ because some people might find it romantic that it's just them and another person against the world. However, I want to stress that this doesn't have to be the case.) [/hider] 3. [hider=Well... This Is Quite A Pickle] This story has to do with an alternate history of Remnant. It is filled with OCs and none of the canon characters have been born yet. It takes place about 100 years before RWBY and it is about the lives of [color=00aeef]an explorer(s)[/color] and [color=00aeef]a season maiden(s)[/color]. They were sailing toward Mistral when the boat was suddenly attacked by an abnormally large and tough kraken (an original grimm concept). It rips the ship in half and sends the characters drifting to an uninhabited island. All attempts to leave are always thwarted by the kraken which had apparently followed them. They'll eventually stumble upon some ruins close to the center of the island and, with a little exploring, find a way to leave the island. ... Did I mention that the island is also infested with creatures of grimm? I was assuming that was a given. XD (The characters are free-game here, fellas. You can be one or more characters. You can even make an explorer [i]and[/i] a season maiden. Keep in mind, if you're creating a season maiden, that they would have to be female. Explorers don't have any restrictions at all with the exception that they aren't as powerful as a season maiden alone. I say this can potentially be 18+ because some people get a little frisky when they're trapped on a seemingly deserted island. But I want to stress that this doesn't have to be the case. The characters could just become good friends.) [/hider] One last thing: unlike my previous 1x1 search, there is no limit to the amount of RPs I can do. Just know that I will be busier if I have multiple RPs going on. If you're interested, comment below or shoot me a PM!