[@Wintergrey] Naaaaaah, Audrey's already been in too much drama and I don't want people to keep flipping on the poor preggo. :lol Plus, even after what happened, Anna's still her friend. Audrey loves her to pieces and wouldn't hurt her that way. She's just mad because, apart from just being an entitled bitch, it's mostly her insecurities kicking in. Audrey thinks that just because Jackson went after Anna (and because Alex was also flirting with her before) it means that she's not worth anything to anyone. She's also jealous because she thinks she'll never be taken seriously by any guy, will continue to be treated as a toy by men and never find love. She has Troy, of course, but you all know how insecure us women can be (well, some of us, anyway :lol). [sub]Yes, people. Audrey does have feelings and a heart behind all of those 'tricky to love' walls. :P[/sub]