[quote=@Yvain] What exactly is combat ranking?:) [/quote] A combat ranking is a numerical ranking, #1 being the most formidable combatant, and so on down, with the last person on the list being the least formidable combatant. Why do I need it? You don't always need one for a Gotham City game, but there are times they are vital. Say we have a Jason Todd and a Dick Grayson. The Jason Todd player thinks the Red Hood is the new top ass kicker in the Batfamily outside Batman, and the Nightwing player naturally disagrees. But they're fighting IC, and the fight can't resolve because they can't decide how to resolve it. Now, see, if the GMs had drafted a Combat Ranking...then this disagreement is quickly solved. One of them will be ranked higher than the other. If one is ranked #2 and the other #3, obviously the character who wins will have barely won, and it'll be closer to a tie than an actual victory. Now even an OC brand new at vigilantism could beat a Nightwing--they'd just need the perfect storm of events to happen to achieve that victory. As a GM, I like upsets, and I hate when things feel predetermined. So the Combat Rankings will be a helpful guide for Storytellers and GMs, not a holy writ that determines the outcome of every fight.