[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphFQelYhp8]INTRODUCTION MUSIC[/url] [b]New Athens NC May 2, 11 AM[/b] The sun's morning light brought with it warmth and atop one of New Athens' tallest buildings, Stuart sat overlooking the city below him with his wings at rest on his back. Ever since he had gained the ability to fly like a wasp, the beauty of being a man able to fly was now his and it felt amazing and uplifting. There was now almost no heights that he couldn't obtain and the only thing that kept him on the ground was his normal life. Almost every week he stood up here to watch the sunrise and take time relax before rejoining the busy life of the normal human on the ground. Stuart's wings came to life and started flapping at incredible speeds as he took off from the roof of the building and into the air. The wind blew past him as he darted through the sky and wonder of flight just never seemed to get old for him. Flying also helped calm down his nerves after doing hard hero work and many times his nerves were on edge after taking one bad guy after the other. Stuart wasn't still sure if he could handle to hard life of a hero, the powers were incredible, but he feared about the consequences that his actions would bring him and the responsibility that came with his great abilities. Even before he had found the primordial ooze, Stuart suffered from paranoia, which was probably a side effect of his bad encounter with the wasps from his childhood. He regularly thought of things that made him afraid for what could happen in the future because of his actions like if he had done the right thing or if he had been faster in acts of heroics. He obviously couldn't be everywhere at once, but he still felt responsible for keeping as many people as safe as possible. Stuart made sure to train his powers as much as he time to do and hone in on his martial art skills to increase his speed with taking down enemies. "Another day in the life of Yellow Jacket" he said to himself as he flew over the city, looking down at the cars and civilians below. His incredible sense of smell could pick out all of the different scents and aromas that covered the city and those of food were especially pleasant for him. He would have to stop and get a bite to eat soon and his mind wondered what he have for lunch. Even though he was super-powered being, he was still a man and still needed to fulfill the needs of his human side.