[center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/b2cee8e0f540108bd4b179c656cadb14/tumblr_inline_o2swtsZzY01ttcnq2_500.png[/img] The World Itself seems to be at a crossroads. The Cold War may have ended nearly 30 years ago, but that doesn't mean that we aren't near our end. The Great Russian Federation lies in the East of Europe, being the second strongest nation on the earth. The Peoples Republic of China stands stall as the great Dragon of Asia and the major producer of the worlds consumers goods. They are the worlds third greatest nation. And in the continent of North America lies the worlds bastion of Western Ideals, Freedom, and Democracy. The United States of America, a country that on the outside seems to be unstoppable, but on the inside they have politics that seem to make even the most corrupt of nations normal. These nations are not the only ones who have a place on the World Stage. The United Kingdom, once the former owner of 1/3 of the planet, they still stay strong in their island north of Main Land Europe, and some of those inside the former Empire wish to expand it back to its glory. The French Republic is another nation that is on the edge of once again being a great power, as they are one of the few with Nuclear Bombs and have one of the best militaries on the planet. Germany, also known as the owners of Europe by some, is another nation with great power. Being what seems to be the leaders of European Union it may seem to be that they are in the perfect position to become the strongest, but multiple problems inside their country might be enough to make sure that they never reach that title. Lastly we have Turkey, a nation that is in the position to once again be great, but they could also be in the position to fall against the great power of the Russian Federation that lies to the north. Meanwhile nations have large insurgent groups, ISIL stands in Iraq, Syria, and some of the surrounding countries. The South Sudan is stuck in a Civil War that seems to envelop all of their country, and Somalia lies in complete anarchy. Rebel Groups may not be recognized, but they are all certainly in a position to bring upon death. It does seem that the World is ready to be captured in a Blaze. [hr] Hello my fellow NRPers and welcome to A World Captured in Blaze, an RP based on the Modern World. This RP starts on June 1st, 2016. The only "Nation Sheet" you'll have to make is your claim and your stats. Stats are only going to be the actual "stats" that your nation have. [url=http://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.asp]This is a good source for those who need their military stats, but it does not provide everything.[/url] Stats won't be the main thing though, of course they will help decide which countries will be the strongest currently, but they won't be the main story in the IC. All IC posts will be from the perspective of a Character, and those Characters will be the ones that decide to make the decisions for stats. [hider=Example Post] As *Insert Leader Name Here* speaks to his advisor he tells him to raise military expenditure by 5% and begin a draft. (Note, this is not promoted, please make sure to make your posts in depth, this is just an example) [/hider] Other than that, you will not need to create a Nation Sheet, as everything will just be the same to how it is. You will claim a Nation by stating its name. In a situation where someone wants a nation that has already been claimed it will depend on if the Person who claimed it first is active and posted stats. IC Posts that involve battle will not only be decided by stats. It will also be decided between the two who started the battle in their PMs and the way they decide will be the way it goes, though please, be accurate. If a nation has more troops in that battle make it seem that they are the stronger nation in the battles. [hr] Applications Nation Application, this will be used to just stake your claim. Nation Claimed: Military Stats: Economic Stats: Other: Player Application, this will be used for the Custom main characters used in IC posts. (Its also just there so I can still see how good you are at writing) Name: Biography: Race: Description of Person (Either Picture or spoken) Other Information: [hr] Map: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/577864844276717041/53D75D798D88A42935AB589960E6D63046F0D224/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:787&composite-to=*,*|2048:787&background-color=black[/img] *Sorry for No South Sudan, currently my main PC is being fixed* [hider=Nations Claimed] None So Far [/hider] [/center]