It wouldn’t be an easy road for Noah to forgive Elann. There had been a lot in him which had been pent up, objections that were made in his own meek way that were ignored. It was what he thought about as she kissed him, and he kissed her in return to cement himself saying she meant a lot to him. Her words, after the kiss parted, fell on his ears and he listened, taking it as another promise of a better road from here on out. In the end, her promises could only be fulfilled by action and it was what spoke readily to him as opposed from words being flung to fill voids of silence. She voiced what was on her heart and he appreciated that. To show his appreciation his other hand came onto her head, fingers in the strands as he usually did when he wanted to show his care for her. Sometime during the hours Noah fell into a light sleep that he ebbed out of every few chimes, his hands making sure that he still felt both Alena and Elann, his ears making sure he still heard Aimee’s deep breathing not that far away. Each time he awoke the check was made and, in his stillness, his injuries weren’t bothering him considerably. The quiet rumblings of the wagon’s making their way off-road was what woke him again and alerted him to their stopping. There had been a few quiet murmurs heard outside of the wagon, probably the guards and the drivers communicating that they were to be stopping. He was awake now and his eyes fluttered fully open when Elann began to move. Aimee stirred as Elann rose. The wolf woke up with a throbbing head and it forced her to get up slowly, her hand over her forehead to denote that it ached. Her hands felt cold, tingly, yet numb all at the same time. The hollow in her chest was gone though, and she was grateful for that at least. She loathed waking up to the wagon because all she wanted most of all was the be home and waking up in her bed with her loud siblings and quietly existing mother. Since she did not have that now, she sat up and watched Elann drop down from the wagon. The wolf hung her head and brought her hand up to push the bulk of her hair back so it wasn’t in her face as she looked to Noah. Their eyes met clearly in the darkness but hers fleeted to Alena. The way the girl was niched into Noah’s side made him seem odd in her opinion but she held her tongue. She knew her brother was holding his tongue in speaking to her and his mind probably whizzed with thousands of questions pertaining to her magic use and more. She waited for him to speak but he didn’t. Looking over to him again, she saw his attention was on Alena and his hand was softly rubbing her shoulder. Aimee ended up lying down again and turning towards the wagon’s wall, body curling underneath the blanket Elann had provided for her. She was sleep before Elann returned, and didn’t seem to wake for anything thereafter.