[@KindledBeast] Jay listening the conversation let out a short sigh, knowing despite her best intentions it more likely negatively impacted himself more than anyone else, since he already had the one teacher to worry about. Relieved that he was invisible, and basically alleviated of any proof of wrongdoing on his part. [i][color=007236]"Heights...I guess I'm not exactly I fan but..."[/color][/i] Jay thought in his mind but couldn't finish his thoughts to properly respond. As Axel and Roman begun to get into a slightly heated discussion. Jay just stood there not getting himself involved mainly because he wasn't entirely sure what he could say, his own mind was too occupied with his own worries about getting to class. [color=007236]"Now I..."[/color] Jay interjected as Roman starting raising his voice, but spoke so quietly between them both, he more than likely wasn't even heard. Watching Axel walking outside on her own after finishing her sentence. Jay looked at Roman as he asked him another question, this time he spoke up before he could be interrupted by anything else. [color=007236]"You didn't mean anything by it...I never meant to get either of you getting cross at each other. I'm sure, nothing can't be fixed between friends."[/color] Jay replied with a smile, slightly miffed that Inigo was literally sleeping curled up inside the hood, as he tired himself out from all the running around he did today. Jay proceeded to follow right behind Roman wondering where they were going this time, rubbing his head lightly. [hr] Meanwhile Leo had already arrived inside the gym waiting with many other students purposefully getting in between the crowd so he'd wouldn't be seen or messed with at the moment, actually having one student commenting that he liked his tattoos, briefly thanking him but he was in no mood to have a discussion, still quite upset after everything that occurred, clenching his fist inside his pockets, intensely observing the front doors preparing for the moment that Jay kid showed his face. Also equally curious where his sister was. Unable to get in contact with her, since his phone had been turned off to save what little remained of the battery.