The reassuring smile and the gentle hand of Sir Dalton still lingered with Melanie as she took the stage. She’ll be fine, he was right; she just needed to focus. With a deep breathe she began the speech that was prepared for her. Though as she spoke her mind was elsewhere; her gaze traveled along those who were bureaucrats and those who worked within the place. Each individual she saw from the palace was there to give her support and help her through this transition, and to them, she was thankful. There isn’t a single way she could do this on her own but here she was, standing on the stage and giving her speech because she had the support of so many great people. And she wasn’t going to let them down. “Thank you everyone for your kindness and I ask that you support me and share your wisdom so I may follow in the footsteps of our great king and learn to rule in his stead.” With that she lifted the skirts of her dress and gave a deep polite curtsy to the crowd. The place was silent as she held the curtsy and felt the blood slowly drain from her face. She said everything right, she even asked for their assistance in making sure she ran the country well and yet crickets could he heard in the hall. That was until someone started to clap. Her head bowed she couldn’t make out who it was but soon the hall was thundering with applause and cheers of ‘Long live the Princess Elect’. Her head rose and she hands slowly dropped her dress back onto the floor as she smiled over the cheering crowd. Phew, it was over. Just as when she entered the room, people were on her with questions, comments and now praises for her speech. A waiting staff member happened to be carrying a tray of drinks which she preceded take one. In the conversation with one of the older bureaucrats someone bumped into her causing her to spill her drink on the floor. “Oops.” She said quickly placing her almost empty glass onto a waiting staff’s passing tray. “Watch where you step your highness.” The older kindly bureaucrat said to her as he lead her away from the spill.. She was whisked away by at least three other bureaucrats and had trouble keeping ahold of a drink she was so desperately wanted a sip of. The fourth bureaucrat bumped her on accident and pilled the white wine upon her dress. “Oh Princess I’m so sorry.” The bureaucrat said quickly as she attempted to help Melanie clean herself off. Great now she felt like everyone thought she was a drunk with how many glasses she’s placed back on the passing trays and now she smells like alcohol too. After dodging one more bureaucrat, she was stopped by a sixth, a young man around her age who preceded to hand her yet another drink. “Oh thank you.” She said politely. “You’re welcome your highness. You seem like you’re really enjoying yourself.” The conversation went rather smoothly but again, Melanie was not able to get a drink of her wine and as people bumped into her in the small room she felt like she was looking more intoxicated as time went on. The bureaucrat in front of her seemed to think the same thing as a smile moved across his face that she didn’t like. “If you’ll excuse me I think I should be going.” As she turned to leave the young man grabbed her by her arm. “Sir, please let me go.” “I think you and I should step outside and get some fresh air.” He said with a grin as he began to pull her towards the exit. Melanie, being completely uncomfortable with the situation kept trying to pull and pry her arm free but there was no give to the young man’s grip and around her, everyone seemed to be in their own little worlds ignoring her situation. Oh no!