[center][color=FFD700][h2][i]Blake Creed[/i][/h2][/color][/center] [hr] [hider=Here we go] Blake walked along in silence, his eyes searching around for some sort of entrance. He'd left the strange house full of wolves a few days ago, and was now supposed to find this camp meant for children of the Roman gods, which apparently included him. Of course, he hadn't known that until very recently, and hadn't really started believing it until the previous night when he was attacked by some crazy girl with flaming hair and a metal-looking leg. Lucky for him, she got hit by a car when she tried to chase him across a freeway. Not the most heroic victory, but he in his defense he didn't have that many options at the time. Aside from that incident, things have been moving along rather smoothly. The sky was just starting to darken a little, and a cool breeze made the grass all around sway softly. Blake knew he had to be close to the entrance by now, at least he hoped so. Odds are he probably wouldn't have taken this whole situation seriously in the slightest if it hadn't been for how reassuring his mother had been. Since she seemed to understand what was happening and was alright with it, Blake had decided to go along. Hopefully everything was alright back home. Abby was probably confused as to why her brother had to leave, but he knew his mother come up with something to tell her. Looking around, he wondered if he was going to find the entrance today, or have to spend another day searching. Well, if nothing came up soon, then he would probably- [center][i]There.[/i][/center] The doorway itself didn't look too impressive, but the two guards standing next to it in full armor seemed to give it away. Either that, or he was in a really weird neighborhood. As he began walking towards the doorway, one of the guards nodded. "Ah, another new one?" Yep, this had to be the place. [color=FFD700]"I guess you could say that."[/color] Blake said, returning the nod. The guard opened the door for him as he approached. "Go ahead, they're waiting for you." And with that, Blake walked through the doorway. Woah. The boy stopped for a moment once he reached the other side. The view was extraordinary, buildings and fields stretching out into the open distance. There's no way this all could have fit behind that door without some kind of magical aid. After admiring the landscape briefly, he looked down and noticed a few other people standing nearby. The guard outside had said "another new one", so were these people the others? Taking one last look at the camp down below, Blake proceeded to walk in the direction of the small group, curious as to what the future held. [/hider]