[center] [color=fdc68a][h3]B.B. Kiddo[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y8cgz9N.jpg[/img] [sub]"She rides in a car like a queen on a card." - Beck[/sub] [b]+ + +[/b] [color=fdc68a][h3]What is your name?[/h3][/color] B.B. Kiddo [color=fdc68a][h3]What gender do you identify as?[/h3][/color] Female [color=fdc68a][h3]How old are you?[/h3][/color] 21 [color=fdc68a][h3]Do you have any skills or expertise that you might be able to offer to the team?[/h3][/color] Animals Climbing Spanish Fluency Good Listener Caring [color=fdc68a][h3]Is there anything you plan to carry with you while you're on duty?[/h3][/color] Secondhand Army Backpack Longboard (because I hate walking) Pocket Knife First Aid Kit Dart Gun Large Blanket [color=fdc68a][h3]Do you work well in a team? What is your previous experience in the workfield?[/h3][/color] I've seen joy and I've seen a lot of pain. My life has been good and simple and I would do it all over again. Some people think I'm unhappy but I'm not; I just appreciate silence in a world that never stops talking. My biggest pet peeve is pride. My cousins tell me that there must be milk in my blood because I'm just too calm (believe me, it sounds better in Spanish). [color=fdc68a][h3]Is there any additional information you'd like for the manager to know?[/h3][/color] [u][s]May the Fourth be with you.[/s][/u] That's about it. [/center]