[b]New Athens NC May 2, 11 AM[/b] Paul had woken up from his nights of sleeping in the park under the stars. He didn't really have a home as despite him being a hero and american legend, he made no money and could not afford a place to live. Not to mention that since he had no secret identity he would have a hard time finding a job anyways. Paul had started the morning off however by playing with a few of the children in the park who were there with their parents. Eventually Paul though Paul started to wonder off towards the slums of the city, once there he saw what he had been hoping not to see this early in the morning. A gang war was getting started it seems. Many of these people in the gang war seemed to be quite young as well, all of them willing to die for 'turf' though they had no legal ownings in the area. As Paul approached he could hear a buzzing over head, he looked up to see Yellow Jacket flying over head. Paul had met the hero a few times before and he understood the heroes strengths. Paul was rather slow and wouldn't be able to catch all of these thugs before they started to run away. "Hey! Yellow bee! Could use some help down here!" Paul bellowed loudly into the air, at this point all of the thugs had turned their attention and guns towards Paul who was blissfully unaware. Paul turned to look down as all of them looked to be aiming their guns at him. "You wouldn't hit an american Legend Paul Bunyan now would you? Why don't you all put down your guns and we can talk this out peacefully." Paul said to them with a rather innocent look on his face as he slowly approached them all. The only answer he got though was a bullet to chest, which thanks to his skin being as strong as steel, didn't do much. Of course a shot to the head would knock him out. And poison would do even worse things to him. "Could use some help Bee!" Paul shouted to the sky hoping that Yellow Jacket would hear him despite getting the heroes name wrong. Paul then started to charge towards the thugs who opened fire on him, most of them rather inexperienced in handling a gun and either hitting his chest or missing him and hitting a building. This fight was already starting to get out of hand though with glass shattering and people looking for cover. [@Weird Tales]