[center][h2][b][color=violet]Rev[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/q81/p526x296/13138815_256739631343915_6312542135295965243_n.jpg?oh=17803c0a6fa648a61508a169340857a0&oe=57B3CCCE[/img] [sup]"If you wanna start a fight, you better throw the first punch. Make it a good one." - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu55xS1TdoU]The Good, The Bad and the Dirty[/url], Panic! At The Disco[/sup][/center] [center][b][color=violet]What is your name?[/color][/b] Rev. It's short for "Revolution". [b][color=violet]What gender do you identify as?[/color][/b] Female. [b][color=violet]How old are you?[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=violet]Do you have any skills or expertise that you might be able to offer to the team?[/color][/b] I don't know how to do anything, I just pretend that I do (some actual talents of mine): [list] [*]Can accurately recite every line from [i]The Simpsons[/i] movie. [*]Can lead certain groups of people (basic leadership skills). [*]Can perform Jiu Jitsu-related moves (white belt). [*]Can shoot a compound bow (drawback is 22'). [*]Is occasionally good at giving advice. [*]Is amazing at theoretical chemistry. [*]Can read tarot cards accurately. [*]Enjoys climbing and exploration. [*]Is a speed reader. [/list] [b][color=violet]Is there anything you plan to carry with you while you're on duty?[/color][/b] My iPOD, a pair of headphones that may or may not be broken, my deck of tarot cards, my 3DS, a bottle of green-colored hand sanitizer, my pair of fingerless gloves, my RWBY backpack with only my converses inside and five boxes of Pocky. [b][color=violet]Do you work well in a team? What is your previous experience in the workfield?[/color][/b] I used to be afraid of birds and then my mom brought an Umbrella Cockatoo home. Do you know how massive those birds are? Anyway, I eventually overcame that fear and slowly became that bird's best friend. This caused my overly jealous mother to force affection onto the bird and then one day, the bird attacked her. Swearing the bird was going to kill her and since I was leaving in a few weeks anyway, she gave it away. I'm a lot like that bird: I moved through different homes my whole life, people have been scared of me, I'm friendly and I eventually found my wings and flew away. . . And I'm also ready to kick anyone's ass if need be. [b][color=violet]Is there any additional information you'd like for the manager to know?[/color][/b][list] [*]Role models include Monty Oum, Winston Churchill and the Grimke sisters. [*]Believes that Geometry should be a torture method for spies. [*]Knows All Time Low's [i]Nothing Personal[/i] album by heart. [*]Literally does not understand what an IKEA is. [*]Thinks NateWantsToBattle is attractive. [*]Thinks turkeys are an abomination. [*]Knows two years worth of German. [*]Likes Greek salad dressing. [*]Is deathly afraid of snakes. [*]Wants to be a Pathologist. [*]Favorite band is Bastille. [*]Plays Habbo Hotel daily. [/list][/center]