[center][h2][color=92278f][b]Chris[/b][/color][/h2] I'm a little overweight, with long dyed red hair that's starting to fade back to dirty blond. I stand at 5"10, and I ofter wear T-shirts and either shorts or jeans. [sup]"I'll slit your throat, watch you bleed out on the floor, and my only regret will be the bloodstain you leave on the carpet" -me, way too often.[/sup] [b][color=92278f]What is your name?[/color][/b] Chris. Just call me Chris. [b][color=92278f]What gender do you identify as?[/color][/b] Non-binary, but he/him pronouns are fine. [b][color=92278f]How old are you?[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=92278f]Do you have any skills or expertise that you might be able to offer to the team?[/color][/b] -Can solve Rubik's cubes. -Skilled at math through calculus -Can break into wifi networks, and steal passwords to personal accounts -Very tech savvy -Near perfect memory -There's a half decent chance I'm some kind of sociopath. [b][color=92278f]Is there anything you plan to carry with you while you're on duty?[/color][/b] -Backpack, which contains laptop and charger, notebooks, and writing utensils. -Cell phone and charger -Wallet [b][color=92278f]Do you work well in a team? What is your previous experience in the workfield?[/color][/b] I'm extremely goal oriented, but I have a dry sense of humor that rolls along with that. I'll be making sarcastic comments and getting shit done at the same time. I will do whatever it takes to obtain success. [b][color=92278f]Is there any additional information you'd like for the manager to know?[/color][/b] Though I abide by morals and ethics, I will break them the moment they start to hinder me. I will do anything to protect myself and the people I care about.[/center] Tell me what you think. I'll edit and change if need be.