[quote=@Natsu] No, I actually can, and I do, only with the owners permission though. My laptop uses an OS called Kali, that comes with a suites of tools that let me do stuff like that. I can break WiFi using tools like PixieWPS, Reaver, and other tools, and steal passwords when people log onto site's while on the same network as myself by arppoisoning them and the router, and using tools called SSLStrip and Ettercap. I can take that out though, I just thought I'd throw in my own tech abilities. [/quote] I mean, hell man, if you can actually do it, then that's fine with me. I've just never met anyone before who could actually do it, let alone at such a young age. It's impressive, hence my skepticism. But yeah, no, if that's true, then that's fine.