Sakura watched Jin run, a slight smile on her face. She wondered briefly that she wasn't freaking out at the situation they had found themselves in, fighting a monstrous clone of one of their classmates with their own inhuman creatures on a platform of butterflies in a patch black void. She decided that the crisis registered more important than the unreality of it, and that most of them would have plenty of time to be upset later. Her gaze refocused on one of the girls, who had taken the brunt of one of the attacks. Leaving Jin to fight on their own for a moment, Sakura rushed over to kneel beside her. The girl was still breathing, but other than that it looked bad. Sakura glanced at Inari, hovering passively behind her, and knew what to do. [Color=violet]"Dia!"[/color] Soft light flowed from her outstretched hands, settling over Senhime and healing most of the damage the burns had done. [Color=violet]"C'mon, this fight isn't over yet."[/color] she said, levering herself upright to find Jin again.