[quote=@TheSovereignGrave] Awww, I hope not. They're all innocent and stuff. Like children. [/quote] For me, this RP will be a struggle to maintain their innocence as long as I can. [quote=@Hael] Isn't being able to survive in the harsh galaxy a purpose for it? xD But the Xim likely wouldn't make the offer, anyway. They don't give away their enhancements willy-nilly. Because if everyone is a super-strong, super-fast being, then they have lost their edge over the other races. [/quote] Definitely why I added that note at the end. Staying alive is a good reason. But... These are the same people that don't want to hurt the aliens that are trying to enslave them / make them extinct. But I can see a few circumstances where the Xim might make an offer like that - such as if they were offered, in turn, some of the Namilee's high tech secrets. But that ain't happening at the start; neither race would trust the other with their greatest secrets so easily.