[color=silver][b][u]Keri Wolf[/u][/b][/color] [i]Lyn's Hunt[/i] When the simmering stopped on the look of thin air laid where the creature stood. The man wouldn't let the beast go, making retreat seem impossible. Most likely the Cosh knew it was struck between a rock and a hard place. This caused the Alpha to tear and scatter both grass and dirt. Clearly the monster wasn't going down without a fight at least from the frustrated snarling and the deepening paw prints in the dirt. Deeper went the print on the left side forcing a snapping sound in Keri's ears during the guy's rush. The vampire didn't exactly hit where she was aiming at. Thank the gods her aim had hit the invisible Cosh instead of the man. Flesh tearing and smell of blood said the girl had hit though it went more towards one side than the other. The Alpha seemed to have reappeared, though she couldn't truly confirm it, either way she smelled blood and could tell the attack must have left another thin red line on the side. Then a thump towards the ground. Keri never truly stopped at least completely mainly because if she did there was a chance she would lose the blood trail. The princess was still in trouble yet he seemed farther than when the girl left him. The familiar scent was becoming faint which was rather concerning factor. The vampire cursed at herself before completely skidding to an almost violent stopped.[i][color=silver]" Calm down. So far as we know the bear is with our damsel. It sounded as if the frame was damaged which seemed to force it to not be able to move very well. The masked man is also with them. Come on think."[/color][/i] Keri thought to herself as while she looked around. There was a near by tree which would help give her momentum and add speed. Also something to help spot the two allies and the freaky fast white masked person. Unless in theory jumping high enough for a better view. Maybe halfway up the tree which most likely prove difficult with the bruising. The vampire knew she had to at least try. The girl dashed halfway back then turned and dashed forward. The landing wasn't even close to the halfway mark but enough to see where bear's leg was none the less. She pushed her leg off the tree landing on the ground in a crouch. Keri took off towards the battleground, gripping the sword tightly and inhaling the scent of blood, while trying to think of how to get the guy's attention. Once there the girl sliced at enemy's leg with the sword once again, ducking into a roll afterwards.