Feet pattered against the ground, a half-dozen quick staccato beats of rubber on asphalt as the few officers lucky enough to get away from the battle ran for their lives. They were sweating, panting hard, fear and adrenaline pushing their bodies to the limit. It was likely that none of these people had even run so fast in their lives- but still, the steady pounding behind them kept on getting louder. The beast was closing. Tired, outmatched, and terrified, it was only a matter of time before one of them broke. Unable to run any further, the last officer turned around, drawing a handgun and getting off three desperate shots before the lizard slammed him aside with a single swipe of its arm. Without missing a beat, Vol Lok Ra prowled onward, caught up in the thrill of the hunt. This was supposed to be his escape, but the forces trying to corner him had been thrown into chaos by his attack, and none of them seemed powerful enough to pose him a threat. He was as mighty as he was ancient, a god in the flesh, and these mammals may as well have been insects before him. The shapeshifter slowed a little as he approached a wider street, his head turning slightly as he took in his surroundings, planning a way forward. Hunting was fun, but it would not be long before he was far enough away to make his escape. He stopped entirely, however, when he heard a voice, too loud to be anything but someone addressing him. He blinked, turning his head again to face the source of the sound. A mammal girl. [i]Ha![/i] Vol's huge mouth opened ever so slightly as a deep rumbling noise rolled out from his throat, a strange hybrid between a growl and a laugh. When his voice came, it was low and guttural, like the grinding of iron against stone. "Oh [i]really?[/i]" His head quirked a little to one side. "So kind of you to let me know." And then he was moving, his towering bulk becoming a blur as he stepped forwards, almost halving the distance between them. For something so huge, Vol could move incredibly quickly, and by the time his clawed foot hit the ground his arm was already in motion, swiping out in a vicious backhand aimed at the mammal's midsection, as if he were swatting away a mere pest.