[i]Knight[/i] "Yes, whore, forced! You refused to fight me, running away until you have someone more honorable to fight for you. You are a coward. A weak woman who can't stand up to her opponents, and hides behind real warriors. He," the knight pointed his shield at Ssarak, barely tracking Mei's movements with his eyes, "will fight me with honor. [i]He[/i] will not run. [i]He[/i] is not a coward who speaks like she has courage when all she has are words!" The knight ignored Ssarak's words. While honorable, the Esyire was clearly misguided and thought that the 'victims of Aarem' weren't savage beasts that needed to be exterminated. "Stay quiet and cower in your corner, coward. I have an actual opponent to fight." He shifted his shield into a higher position, his wince of pain hidden behind his mask. "The Lord of Light guides my hand, and I will cleanse Aarem's filth from this world. Vampiric death by vampiric death, until my hands are stained bloody so bloody that they are darker than the night!" The knight threw his shield again, a whistling noise emanating from it as it tore through the air, soon followed by the knight himself. He was moving fast, too fast for a man in his armor. The blades of the shield were heading towards Ssarak's head. Whatever he did to stop it, it would be followed by a punch to the stomach from the knight himself. [i]Knight's brother[/i] The man frowned. "What are you doing? Drying the earth while death approaches? Foolish." The trees were finally within range of the annoyances, and their branches swung down, intent upon beating his opponents to death. Limb beat by bloody limb beat.