Name: Victoria Vanlough Age: 22 Gender: Female Alias: V (obviously an adopted alias) Appearance: Victoria stands at about 5'9, and has a fairly slim figure. She has straight black hair, going a few inches passed her shoulders, making no need for a wig. She wears a copy of her predecessor's outfit, complete with the famous and infamous Guy Fawkes mask. If at some point in the rp she takes her costume off, I'll explain what she looks like underneath. But for now, it shall remain a mystery. Universe: V for Vendetta universe, a couple generations after the events of the movie. Abilities: Victoria has extremely fast reflexes, even faster than the original V's. I won't bore you with the details of how she got them, but let's just say that it involved the black market and a lot of dead testing rats. In addition to that, she is skilled in hand-to-hand and knife-related combat. She is also skilled at making different types of bombs. Items/Equipment: Besides her iconic suit, boots, gloves, hat and mask, she also has 6 knives, each a foot long, and a bullet-proof chest plate under her clothes. History: Not much is known of Victoria's personal past. Just that it was very, very gruesome. The world in which Victoria was born into, though, is known. Generations after the original V made his final statement, destroying the horrific hierarchy that stole its citizen's freedom away, a new tyrannical government took over Britain. The leader calls himself the Archangel, and he treats his people just as badly as the Chancellor ever did. But with a new evil government there comes a new voice for common man. With V long gone, a new anarchist use make the government pay. Of course, she might have to stick around in a certain mansion before she can get back to work on restoring chaos.