[center][b][color=AB1515][h3]Nadijah Gerudo Fortress[/h3][/color][/b][/center] Out of all the different times of day, early mornings were definitely [i]the[/i] worst as far as Nadijah was concerned. During the night the temperature often dropped below zero Celsius, making the desert cool down [i]just so[/i] to better facilitate her lonesome, impromptu training sessions, while during the day most of her peers were awake and the amount of things to do all but tripled. There was always something going on, be it an actual mission or just a chance to practice her sword-fighting skills against her fellow sisters. Even in the evening she could always find some of her peers up and about, and observing the many foreigners that occupied Oasis as they prepared for the night ahead was nothing short of fascinating. O-of course, she was just doing it for research purposes to make sure they weren't a threat to the community! She wasn't actually interested in their habits or anything. Screw that! Now, mornings? Yeah. Fuck mornings. Sure, she had woken up late enough today for many others to already be getting out of their beds and beginning their chores, but she found that nobody ever did anything interesting when they first woke up. She swore, even these interesting foreigners seemed to be sluggish and boring two minutes outta the hay. And yeah, yeah, she had happened to pass by a Sheikah (that's what those creeps were called, right?) practicing with some of her Gerudo sisters earlier on, but she couldn't, for the life of her, stay and watch. How some of them could be so stricken by a practically mute stranger was beyond her. Well, at least the guy [i]had[/i] had some decent moves and the mind to wear black in a desert, so he probably wasn't a total loser. Still. Ugh. Nadijah was pacing the outskirts of the Gerudo Fortress where she still spent most of her nights, groggily fixing her hair and wondering where most of the people were. Probably out on assignments, the lucky bastards. Meanwhile, [i]she[/i] had to do her darnest to try and figure out how to spend the morning until her friends were up or back from their duties. Now how was that fair? Ugh, she'd probably just walk around aimlessly, or use the last few cooler hours before sunrise to get a bit more exercise in. Something like that. Same old. ... Or at least, that was her plan until the sudden flare of a torch high above in the fortress tore her from her grumpy inner monologue. She spun around as if expecting another one to follow and surely enough, it did - followed soon by another and a yet another torch casting its light into the early morning's darkness. Nadijah's heart skipped a beat in both surprise and excitement, the sudden signal of an approaching threat offering her both a cause of concern and an excuse to grab her weapons and [i]do[/i] something. There likely weren't enough people inside to properly fend off whatever was coming, but... screw that, they couldn't exactly wait either! Even if it was just a few people, someone should go there right now and begin the counterattack. Someone like her, who wasn't exactly hailed as the patient sort. So, grinning, Nadijah gave up on trying to fix her messy hair, opting to grab her scimitars and dash towards the entrance of the fortress instead. Hey, maybe all mornings weren't so boring, after all.