Bee snorted, thoroughly amused by her rather obvious commentary. [color=burlywood]"Well, Evie, it's happening to both of us. We're developing something, and unless we're simultaneously going insane and not realizing it, I'm quite sure that something [i]is[/i] happening. So no, I don't think we're going crazy. Just maybe physics. Or maybe it's quantum physics. According to physics, we shouldn't be able to do this. According to quantum physics, whatever the fuck is possible."[/color] He slipped his phone back into his pocket (shit, now he didn't have any phone access >.>) and drummed his knuckles on the table, a little nervously. Trying to think of... [i]something[/i]. He didn't know what he was trying to think of, but he needed to think of something. [color=burlywood]"Perhaps we should head back to one our places? Somewhere private, where people might not be watching us? I-I mean, not to, uh, do stuff! But just to test these... powers that we have, now!"[/color] His cheeks had colored at the sudden implication- head somewhere private, pretty girl? He, of course, ducked his head and looked away, taking a sip of his hot chocolate to try and hide his embarrassment.